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Higher Education Funding Council for Wales WIDENING ACCESS TO HIGHER EDUCATION IN WALES.

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Presentation on theme: "Higher Education Funding Council for Wales WIDENING ACCESS TO HIGHER EDUCATION IN WALES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Higher Education Funding Council for Wales WIDENING ACCESS TO HIGHER EDUCATION IN WALES

2 Higher Education Funding Council for Wales THE FURTHER AND HIGHER EDUCATION SECTORS IN WALES 13 Higher Education Institutions Pre 1992Post 1992 6 HEIs7 HEIs 24 Further Education Colleges Total HE Enrolments 2001/02 105,149 Full-time 64,661 Part-time 40,488 Cardiff University, UWIC, UWCM, RWCMD UWCN NEWI UW, Bangor UW, Aberystwyth UW, Lampeter Trinity College SIHE UW Swansea University of Glamorgan Nov 2002

3 Higher Education Funding Council for Wales HE PROVISION IN FE COLLEGES Mostly funded through franchise arrangements with HEIs Some directly-funded provision Predominantly part-time Total Enrolments 2001/02 7,340 Full-timePart-timeFranchise Directly-Funded 1,815 5,525 5,973 1,367

4 Higher Education Funding Council for Wales DEVOLUTION NATIONAL ASSEMBLY FOR WALES WELSH ASSEMBLY GOVERNMENT Policy Direction and Funding Post-16 Education National Council for Education and Training for Wales (ELWa) Higher Education Higher Education Funding Council for Wales

5 Higher Education Funding Council for Wales The Welsh Assembly Government's Strategy for Higher Education to 2010 (Published March 2002) REACHING HIGHER Higher Education and the Learning Country MAJOR THEMES Reconfiguration and Collaboration Widening Access WIDENING ACCESS TARGET: The proportion of young people accessing HE from low participation neighbourhoods to increase from around 25-30% to 40-50% by 2010.

6 Higher Education Funding Council for Wales WIDENING ACCESS: PARTICULAR ISSUES IN WALES Communities suffering from post-industrial decline, particularly in the South Wales valleys An increasingly prosperous capital city, Cardiff, but still with significant areas of deprivation Deprivation in other cities, such as Swansea and Newport Substantial rural areas where deprivation and disadvantage can be difficult to identify Recognising and meeting the needs of Welsh speakers and Welsh-speaking communities

7 Higher Education Funding Council for Wales THE WELSH HIGHER EDUCATION SECTOR: WIDENING ACCESS PROFILE Young FT entrants to first degree courses from state schools/colleges 91%86% Young entrants to first degree courses from low participation neighbourhoods Full–time 15% Part–time 23% Full-time 12% Part-time 16% Mature UG entrants from low participation neighbourhoods / no previous experience of HE Full-time 17% Part-time 13% Full-time 15% Part-time 7% FT first degree – Non – continuation following year of entry (1999 / 2000) 9%10% WELSH HEIs UK

8 Higher Education Funding Council for Wales HIGHER EDUCATION PARTICIPATON RATES All Welsh-domiciled students 2000/01

9 Higher Education Funding Council for Wales HIGHER EDUCATION PARTICIPATON RATES By electoral division South East Wales North West Wales

10 Higher Education Funding Council for Wales WIDENING ACCESS FUNDING Institutional 2002 / 03 Widening Access Premium £200 per eligible student - £2.3m Widening Access Strategy funding - £1.57m Disability Premium £200 per student Disability Provision Development Funding Disability Premium and Development Funding - £500K per annum National Assembly Assembly Learning Grants - £300 to £1,500 maximum (FE & HE, Full and part-time students) Financial Contingency Funding2002/03 - £5m

11 Higher Education Funding Council for Wales REACHING HIGHER – REACHING WIDER £2 million in additional funding made available by the National Assembly for 2002/03 Initiative announced in July 2002 Detailed guidance issued September 2002 "to encourage innovative and possibly large-scale projects which would draw in a number of partners.... to contribute to building the continuum of learning and increase access from schools and other providers to HEIs, whilst simultaneously helping to lift the standards and performance with the providers themselves" Proposals from the sector submitted by the end of October 2002 Outcomes announced December 2002

12 Higher Education Funding Council for Wales REACHING WIDER PARTNERSHIPS 4 Partnerships North Wales (Community University of North Wales) 2 HEIs, 8 FECs West and Mid Wales3 HEIs, 2 FECs Swansea/Neath Port Talbot2 HEIs, 3 FECs South East Wales (First Campus) 6 HEIs, 18 FECs National Co-ordination

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