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Improving Pass Rates In Introductory Programming Tom Boyle, Claire Bradley, Peter Chalk, Ken Fisher, Ray Jones (LTRI, London Metropolitan University) &

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1 Improving Pass Rates In Introductory Programming Tom Boyle, Claire Bradley, Peter Chalk, Ken Fisher, Ray Jones (LTRI, London Metropolitan University) & Poppy Pickard (Bolton Institute)

2 Summary Crisis in the teaching and learning of Programming. Major project initiated in February ‘02 In two higher education institutions. Substantial changes to the curriculum New online teaching & learning environment The project has involved over 700 students Improvements in pass rates 12-23%

3 Problem & Solution Early failure to understand key concepts in the first few weeks Create core development team (March ‘02) - module tutors, researcher, multimedia developer Focussing on: Curriculum development; Organization of the teaching environment; Online learning environment

4 Delivery Common curriculum = concentration of resources Improve module staffing & organisation Online element = VLE (WebCT) and web- based multimedia learning objects (LOs) Discrete LOs based on clear learning goals, & close attention to pedagogical quality

5 Accessing learning objects from the virtual learning environment

6 While loop learning object code animation

7 Learning object drag & drop quiz

8 Pedagogy & assessment Interactive visualization of topics students otherwise found very abstract (Object World library in other paper tomorrow) Small scale problems within a regime of continuous assessment Annotated in their log book and submitted using the VLE

9 Evaluation Track student use of LOs & VLE activity Evaluate student satisfaction – questionnaires & interviews Assessment of impact on success/fail rates All show positive results Satisfaction levels 80-90% Pass rates up by 12-23%

10 Student satisfaction (n=223) How useful are: Very usefulUseful Lectures37%48% Lab exercises42%44% Text book ?18%38% Text LOs29%64% Animation LOs 46%44% Quizzes in LOs 34%56%

11 Conclusions Pass rates improved, because of…? Student enjoyment of visualisation approach Constructivism improves learning Blending of face-to-face with virtual learning Management of learning using VLE Provision of scaffolded apprenticeship model Reduced student-staff ratio Online automatic assessment & feedback

12 Further Work How will students do at level 2/3? Approach modified this year (different text book) but LOs proving re-usable Learning Objects need national repository (LTSN?) standards (IMS) & support/ production skills

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