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From Application to Graduation: A Cross- Institutional Approach to Student Retention and Success Nicholas Gregson & Elizabeth Caldwell.

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Presentation on theme: "From Application to Graduation: A Cross- Institutional Approach to Student Retention and Success Nicholas Gregson & Elizabeth Caldwell."— Presentation transcript:

1 From Application to Graduation: A Cross- Institutional Approach to Student Retention and Success Nicholas Gregson & Elizabeth Caldwell

2 Objectives of this session Overview of UCLan– facts and figures Some headlines around Widening Participation and Retention The student lifecycle The four services: Flying Start Fresh Start M & Ms WISER Latest developments Questions

3 University Challenge Starter for 10 Where does UCLan rank in the size of institution in British universities? How many students were at UCLan in 2008/2009? What percentage were 1 st year students? 8th 29,108 52% (15,011)

4 Widening Participation @ UCLan Top three for numbers of students on collaborative programmes Partnership - reach out to individuals and communities less likely to avail themselves of a typical HE experience QAA highlighted the Universitys comprehensive and effective arrangements to support students transitions

5 Participation of under-represented groups in HE: (Young full-time undergraduate entrants 2006/07) University of Central Lancashire %Bench-mark (%) State schools or colleges 97.293.6 NS-SEC classes 4,5,6 & 7 38.135.9 Low participation neighbourhoods 13.511.8

6 Student experience project @ UCLan 34% students had seriously thought about withdrawing during their first semester Transition from stage one to stage two – almost as challenging as the transition to stage one Many students concerned they were not achieving the grades they had expected

7 Supporting student transitions: 4 Central Retention Initiatives

8 4 Central Retention Initiatives Funded from a central retention budget Managed by Learning Development Unit Physically located in various areas of the university: –M&M & Fresh Start – Student services –Flying start – LDU –WISER – Languages & International Studies Regular evaluation and monitoring

9 Residential & non residential summer school Build social networks, local orientation, examine expectations, UCLan support systems Enhances retention by 15% in Year 1 Less likely to change course Make friends more easily Twice as likely to pass 1 st Year Parents for Progression

10 5 Programmes: –Preston & Burnley – Mentoring –Well-Being (mental and emotional) –Sport (physical health) –Futures (employability ) 16 out of 18 schools use the centralised peer support service 1% increase in APM No students failed

11 Study skills support for all students at all levels Runs throughout the academic year Workshops and 1:1 tutorials Workshops correspond to student life cycle

12 Support, advice and guidance to help students return to study at UCLan. Withdrawn, intercalated, wrong course, failed, pass but dont return Explore motivation, research courses & establish career paths Fresh start induction event & mentoring 672 students: 20% gained an award, 29% still enrolled, 51% no longer enrolled

13 Integrated approach Student self-referral Students engage in multiple initiatives 40% of mentees say the main skill developed through mentoring was exam and assignment preparation Mentors have become course reps, student ambassadors, SLOs, Student Interns and staff in student services

14 Embedding into UCLans culture Flying Start induction packs: work with schools Raising awareness: students can excel despite a poor start Tutor referrals to all services Mentors contribute to induction events & pre-sessional courses

15 Embedding into UCLans culture WISER working with academic staff Collaborative curriculum design Bespoke workshops Staff development sessions Sharing of materials

16 Current developments WISER - school bespoke study skills provision Flying Start – Induction – Ice Breakers for academic staff and/or mentors M&Ms - New referral pathways – school based Fresh Start – New reporting system for students at risk

17 Graduation Induction WISER

18 Questions

19 Contacts LDU Pam Houghton Flying Start Vikki Cook Fresh Start Debbie Loveday Wiser Nicholas Gregson Karen Smith M & M Deborah Wynn

20 References Abrahamson, M. & P. Jones (2003) Empowering under-represented students to succeed in higher education: initiatives in early engagement at a post-1992 university. F-A-C-E Conference Proceedings 2003 Available from: [accessed 24/11/90] Cook, V. (2009) The Flying Start Bridging Project: University of Central Lancashire. F-A-C-E Conference Proceedings 2009. Loveday, D.(2009) Second chances for students. Pp198-214 in Cook, A. & B. Rushton (eds.) How to Recruit and Retain Higher Education Students: A handbook of good practice. Routledge. National Audit Office (2007) Staying the course: The retention of students in higher education. London: National Audit Office.

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