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EE210 Digital Electronics Introductory Class January 26, 2009.

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1 EE210 Digital Electronics Introductory Class January 26, 2009

2 PLAN FOR TODAY Introduction of: 1. Instructors 2. Students and and 3. The Course

3 1. Instructors INSTRUCTOR Professor Dr. Attaullah Solangi Professor Dr. Attaullah Solangi Email: Email: Ext. 569 Ext. 569 LAB COORDINATOR / TA Engr. Waqar Ahmed Email: Email: Ext. Ext.

4 2. Students Intro Introduction of Students and Attendance recorded at the same time When I point to You Please Stand Up and Say Your Name and Reg./ID Number and Tell me Where are You From

5 3. Course Intro As Its Name Says, Course is About the D i g i t a l E l e c t r o n i c s Electronic Circuits that Process Analog and Digital Signals are Termed as Analog and Digital Electronics, Respectively

6 Course Intro (Cont…) Analog Signal is Analogous to Physical Signal it Represents Digital Signal is Representation of the Analog Signal in Sequence of Numbers

7 An Analog Signal

8 Digital Signal Representing Analog Signal

9 Course Intro (Cont …) You Have Already Learnt About Analog Electronics … and NOW You Will Learn About Digital Electronics Why ?

10 Course Intro (Cont …) Modern Digital Electronic Circuits Play an Important Role in Our Lives Practically, Each Everyday-use Product is a Digital System or at Least Incorporates One e.g., A Personal Computer is a complete digital system, made by use of Digital Circuits

11 Course Intro (Cont …) In Order to Better Understand The Operation of Digital Circuits, and be able to Design, Verify and Test Them, It is Very Crucial to Reach to Their Transistor Structure This Course Teaches You How to Understand The Operation of Basic Digital Circuits

12 Course Intro (Cont …) So, You will Learn About … Digital Logic Inverters Digital Logic Inverters Digital CMOS Logic Circuits Digital CMOS Logic Circuits Digital Logic Gates Digital Logic Gates Flip Flops Flip Flops Memory (RAM and ROM) Memory (RAM and ROM)

13 Course Intro (Cont …) Prerequisites: Electronic Devices Electronic Devices Electrical Circuits Electrical Circuits The Text Book for the EE 210 …

14 Sedra/Smith Microelectronic Circuits 5/e Oxford University Press

15 Course Intro (Cont …) The Text Book: The Best Book Written on the Subject of Microelectronic Circuits The Best Book Written on the Subject of Microelectronic Circuits Used in Most Universities in the USA and Canada Used in Most Universities in the USA and Canada Covers Both Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits Covers Both Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits With This Book No Need of Lecture Notes With This Book No Need of Lecture Notes

16 Course Plan Chap 1 Introduction to Electronics (6 hrs) 1.1 thru 1.4, 1.7-1.8 Chap 3 Diodes (3 hour) 3.1, 3.7 and 3.9 Chap 5 Bipolar Junction Transistors BJTs (3 hrs) 5.10 and 5.11 Chap 4 MOS Field-Effect Transistors (9 hrs) 4.1 thru 4.4, 4.10, 4.12 Chap 10 Digital CMOS Logic Circuits (12 hours) All topics Chap 11 Memory and Adv. Digital Circuits (12 hrs) All topics

17 How We Do It? For Next 15 Weeks We Will Meet on Each Tuesday From 10:00 am to 1:00 pm For 180 Min. ( = 3 hrs) We will have : Two 1-hr 20-min Lectures and a One 20-min Break Two 1-hr 20-min Lectures and a One 20-min Break

18 1 st Class Starts at 10 am SHARP Break around 11:20 am 2 nd Class Starts around 11:40 am ….and then We Depart at 1 pm

19 Policies Class Etiquettes: Attend Class Regularly Attend Class Regularly Be On Time Be On Time Be Attentive All The Time Be Attentive All The Time Complete The Required Work On Time Complete The Required Work On Time Must Study The Planned Lecture Material Before Coming To The Class Must Study The Planned Lecture Material Before Coming To The Class

20 Policies (Cont…) Home works/Quizzes (10/10 Marks): Homework Will Be Assigned in Almost Each Class. However, Only Few Randomly Selected will Be Graded for 10 Marks Homework Will Be Assigned in Almost Each Class. However, Only Few Randomly Selected will Be Graded for 10 Marks There will be Unannounced Quizzes and will be Graded for 10 Marks There will be Unannounced Quizzes and will be Graded for 10 Marks Late Homework Will Not Be Accepted Late Homework Will Not Be Accepted

21 Policies (Cont…) Midterm/Final Exams (20/40 Marks): There Will be a Midterm Exam between March 24 and 30, 2009 (20 Marks) There Will be a Midterm Exam between March 24 and 30, 2009 (20 Marks) And a Final Exam between June 3 and 10, 2009 (40 Marks) And a Final Exam between June 3 and 10, 2009 (40 Marks) The Exams Will Be Closed Book. The Exams Will Be Closed Book.

22 Distribution of 100 Marks Home Works  10 Home Works  10 Quizzes  10 Quizzes  10 Lab Work  20 Lab Work  20 Mid-Term Exam  20 Mid-Term Exam  20 Final Exam  40 Final Exam  40

23 Policies (Cont…) The Homework and Exam Guidelines: The Pages Must Be Numbered and Stapled Together The Pages Must Be Numbered and Stapled Together The Following Information Must Be On The First Page: The Following Information Must Be On The First Page: 1.Your Name 2.Registration / ID Number 3.Assignment Number and Date

24 Today’s Summary We Had Introduction Of: We Had Introduction Of: Instructors Instructors Students Students Course Course And We Discussed Policies And We Discussed Policies

25 In Next Class We Will Discuss: Chapter 1: Introduction to Electronics Topics: 1.1 Signals Appendix C 1.2 Frequency Spectrum of Signals 1.3 Analog and Digital Signals 1.4 Amplifiers [ up to 1.4.5 ]

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