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Quickwrite – Put your Name Tent on your desk Copy the following quote and answer the 2 questions that follow, using complete sentences: “ If you can’t.

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Presentation on theme: "Quickwrite – Put your Name Tent on your desk Copy the following quote and answer the 2 questions that follow, using complete sentences: “ If you can’t."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quickwrite – Put your Name Tent on your desk Copy the following quote and answer the 2 questions that follow, using complete sentences: “ If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward” – Martin Luther King, Jr. 1.What does this mean to you? 2.How do you think it connects to our week together?

2 Our Agenda for Today Quickwrite Work with your WICOR partner to share Dialectical Journals for Ch. 8-13, using 1-1-2 Minute Partner Share Costas Levels of Questions review and practice Write 2-3 Level 2 and/or 3 questions for our Socratic Seminar on Thursday Reflection

3 REFLECTION QUESTIONS 1.What did you learn today? 2.What do you still have questions about? 3.What do you hope happens tomorrow?

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