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Functional Question Foundation (Algebra 9) For the week beginning ….

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1 Functional Question Foundation (Algebra 9) For the week beginning ….

2 The table shows UK postal rates. WeightFirst ClassSecond Class Letter0 —100g£0.34£0.24 0 —100g£0.48£0.40 Large Letter 101—250g£0.70£0.60 251—500g£0.98£0.83 501—750g£1.42£1.20 0 —100g£1.09£0.92 101—250g£1.38£1.20 251—500g£1.84£1.52 Packet501—750g£2.38£1.92 751—1000g£2.92£2.30 1001—1250g£4.25 Please note items Each additional 250 g or part thereof + £0.75 heavier than 1000 g cannot be sent Second Class (a) What is the cost of sending a 225 g large letter using First Class? (1) (b) What is the weight of the heaviest item that can be sent Second Class? (1) (c) A packet weighs 1.3 kg. How much does it cost to send it using First Class? (3) (Total 5 marks)

3 (a) (£) 0.70 (p) Or equivalent Accept 70 p B1 - Marks awarded independent of method (b) 1000 g 1 kg B1 - Marks awarded independent of method (c) 1300 seen or used eg, sight of £4.25 M1 – Method mark 4.25 + 0.75 M1 – method mark (£) 5 SC1 for (£)1.38 A1 - Accuracy marks are awarded when following on from a correct method [5]

4 Common Mistakes – what did the examiners say? The first two parts of this question proved to be a good starter for most candidates. However, in part (c), many showed 4.25 but incorrectly added 1.09. A significant number did not know that 1 kg = 1000 g and gave 1.38 as the answer or 0.70 using Large Letter (101 – 250 g).

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