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Counterterrorism Lashkar-e-taiba (LeT) Lauren Pietrzyk.

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Presentation on theme: "Counterterrorism Lashkar-e-taiba (LeT) Lauren Pietrzyk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Counterterrorism Lashkar-e-taiba (LeT) Lauren Pietrzyk

2 INTERNATIONAL RESPONSE  2001 Global survey of the Implementation of Security Council Resolution 1373  UN declares LeT as terrorist organization in 2005  United Nations declared Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) as an alias for LeT in 2008  UN Sanctions under Security Council resolution 1267, 1989, and 1904 adopted under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations

3 PAKISTAN  2002 Govt. officially banns LeT  2003 Pervez Musharraf places JuD on watch list and banned in 2008  2009 ratification by Pakistan of the Terrorist Financing Convention  2009 Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act  2010 Est. National Database and Registration Authority  2010 Pakistan passed the Anti- Money-Laundering Act

4 INDIA  LeT Banned in 2001  1987 Terrorist and Disruptive Activities Prevention Act (TADA) and Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA) of 2004  2008 Creation of National Intelligence Grid and est. National Investigation Agency  2010 Unique Identification Authority  2010 becomes member of the Financial Action Task Force on Money-Laundering  Banned the Hawala system  India-US working group towards counterterrorism

5 CONCLUSIONS  Pakistan’s focus is on a 3-D approach-Deterrence, Dialogue, and Development- counter to allowing LeT/JuD a safe haven  India’s focus on increased border security, intelligence sharing and coordination, and financial blocking and seizures  Internationally recognizing LeTs global nature, continual focus on financial limitations

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