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Blackstone River Access and Volunteer Stewardship Updates November 16, 2011.

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1 Blackstone River Access and Volunteer Stewardship Updates November 16, 2011


3 Annual Clean-ups Two annual events – Earth Day (April) and Make a Difference/Park Serve Day (October) Each event attracts over 100 volunteers and targets five to eight sites

4 NIP – No Invasive Plants Hands on training to engage locals in identification and management of invasive aquatic plants Partnership with DCR / River Bend Farm to remove water chestnut plants from Rice City Pond –Pull the Plants Party – Two events removed move than 20 cubic yards of plant material!

5 Promote and protect recreational use of the River Work done as a JHCBRVNHCC, BRWC and BRWA Partnership The Blackstone is now a popular destination for canoeing and kayaking Goal of The River Access Program



8 Increase Use of the River by boaters has resulted in degradation of access and portage sites BRWA and BRWC are working with JHCBRVNHCC to restore and protect these sites for use in the future. The River’s Popularity Has Caused Some Problems

9 River Access Sites Phase I / Massachusetts Blackstone River Watershed Association & MASS Dept of Conservation and Recreation Northbridge Plummer’s Landing (Completed in 2011) Riverdale Mills (completed 2006) Millville Millville Lock (In Construction) Uxbridge Hartford Avenue (Completed in 2011) Stanley Woolen Portage (completed in 2006) Route 16 (completed in 2009 Route 122 (completed in 2009) Blackstone Blackstone Gorge (completed in 2008)

10 Sections of the River can be paddled in Spring time and in times of high water in Millbury, Sutton and Grafton Providence Street in Millbury by Goretti’s Supermarket is a good starting point Access and Singing Dam portage completed with the construction of Tricentenial Park in Sutton Upper Sections of the Blackstone

11 Most Massachusetts work has been done at sites in Northbridge, Uxbridge and Blackstone Massachusetts Improvement Work Completed

12 Stanley Woolen Mills Route 16 - Uxbridge Access Site BeforeCompleted

13 Skull Rock Lock Site Route 122, Uxbridge BeforeCompleted

14 Blackstone Gorge Blackstone BeforeCompleted

15 Current River Access Projects East Hartford Ave, Uxbridge Plummer’s Landing, Northbridge Millville Lock, Millville

16 Signage needed at several locations The National Grid Dam in Sutton has no portage path Fisherville Dam in Grafton has no Portage Path –Road access at Route 122a below the dam Depot Street dam has no portage path and property is sometimes gated –Dam deteriorating with each major storm Some Remaining Issues Some Remaining Issues

17 Questions and Discussion

18 Access and Portages in Rhode Island Access and portage sites exist at –Cole Spring Park, Woonsocket –River Island Park, Woonsocket –Rivers Edge Recreational Complex Woonsocket –Manville Dam, Cumberland –Albion Dam. Lincoln –Kelly House, Ashton Dam, Cumberland/Lincoln –Pratt Dam Portage, Lincoln/Cumberland –Lonsdale Drive-in site in Lincoln –Madera Street, Pawtucket

19 Recent Access Improvements in Rhode Island Lonsdale Drive-in –Steps and pathway to River completed in 2009 Kelly House –Granite steps installed by museum in June 2010 Albion Dam Portage – Granite steps installed in August 2010 Sycamore Landing at Manville Dam –Site established –Plans to expand parking area

20 Lonsdale Drive-in Site In ConstructionCompleted

21 Albion Site BeforeCompleted

22 Completed Kelly House Site

23 Future Access Improvements in Rhode Island Develop consistent signage for these sites and other sites along the River

24 Questions and Discussion

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