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South West RDA and University Challenge Jill Sheen 26 September 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "South West RDA and University Challenge Jill Sheen 26 September 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 South West RDA and University Challenge Jill Sheen 26 September 2008

2 2 South West RDA and University Challenge  SWRDA Corporate Plan  Examples of HE investments in priority places – past and future  Challenges

3 3 SWRDA Corporate Plan 2008-11

4 4 SW RDA and HEFCE  Strategic Alliance (1 st region)  Joint Investment Criteria  Regular contacts between RDA and HEFCE SW Regional Team  Working together with partners

5 5 Priority Places and University Challenge  Combined Universities in Cornwall  North and South Devon  Somerset  Gloucestershire  Swindon  And…

6 6 Cornwall and its challenges  Rural and peripheral  GVA 75% of EU average (66.7% in 2001)  Very little higher education before CUC  Young people leaving to work /study  Economy dominated by small businesses  35% of businesses have turnover <£500k  Wages below national average

7 7 Cornwall’s brain drain Net Migration 15-29 Age Group

8 8 Combined Universities in Cornwall Vision  To create a university infrastructure for Cornwall  To stem the brain drain  To help raise the game of business in Cornwall  To bring well paid jobs  To bring opportunities to people and businesses country wide

9 9

10 10 Student numbers 1999-2007

11 11 Partnership  £120m in two phases  HEFCE, SWRDA and Government funding  EU funding through Objective One Programme  EU ERDF and ESF Convergence from 2007 – transform Cornwall  Cornwall County Council role

12 12 North and South Devon  Access to universities difficult, low participation  North Devon College (Barnstaple) –New campus – LSC funded –University of Plymouth Colleges partner –HE and Innovation Centre –North Devon Plus (include Local Authorities) for economic development  South Devon College –Stand alone HE Centre (with LSC and business relations function) –Close links with existing Innovation Centre based at College (Torbay Council)

13 13 Somerset Universities Partnership Project (SUPP)  No university in county (but 3 FECs delivering significant amount of HE)  Complex pattern of partnerships with HEIs  Drive from Somerset County Council  Wide consensus to pursue collaborative option addressing needs of Somerset economy

14 14 Other ‘cold spots’  Joint HEFCE/RDA demand studies funded in –Gloucestershire –Swindon

15 15 University Challenge(s)  Partnerships – are they the right players? Strategic context.  Institutional issues – structure and commitment  Competition and collaboration  Business support simplification/Train to Gain  Employer engagement funding models  HE/FE links  Sustainability

16 16 SWRDA and University Challenge

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