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Advanced Placement & Dual Enrollment Night for Parents and Students January 30, 2012 WELCOME.

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1 Advanced Placement & Dual Enrollment Night for Parents and Students January 30, 2012 WELCOME

2 Advanced Curriculum Opportunities Advanced Placement (AP) Dual Enrollment (Credit) –Tri-County Tech –Anderson University –University of SC

3 Objectives Philosophy and structure of each program Tests associated with each program Success and advantages of each program Costs associated with each program Questions about each program


5 Philosophy Advanced Placement Program AP students explore a depth and breadth of knowledge within a specific content. AP students engage in intense discussions, solve problems collaboratively, and learn to write clearly and persuasively. Student performance is measured by nationally standardized tests. AP students are exposed to college level reading, writing, and critical thinking. AP is well-known and strongly regarded by highly selective public and private colleges. Successful AP students will stand out in the admissions process.

6 Who Should Take AP Courses? Students who have challenged themselves in Advanced/Honors courses in grades 8-11 Motivated students who can learn new information quickly and apply it analytically Students who are self-starters, organized, and curious about a subject. Students seeking advanced standing in public and private universities both in and out of state.

7 Student Demographic AP Exam Grade of 3 or higher African-American28% higher Hispanic28% higher White33% higher Low-Income26% higher Not Low-Income34% higher Source: Dougherty, Mellor & Jian, 2006 AP Participation and Likelihood of College Graduation College Graduation Rate differences between “matched” AP and non-AP students* *Matched students are those who have similar family backgrounds and standardized test scores

8 Wren HS AP Courses All AP courses have a year-long course and a required semester course (lab) for a total of 1.5 units AP World History (10 th ) AP US History (11 th ) AP Biology (11 th / 12 th ) AP Chemistry (11 th / 12 th ) AP Studio Art (11 th / 12 th ) AP Calculus (12 th ) AP English Literature (12 th ) AP English Language (12 th ) (1.5 units for BOTH English courses – must take both courses)

9 AP Program Assessment Each AP course has an AP exam AP exams provide students, parents, and colleges a standardized measure of what you know and how you can apply that knowledge to think critically Colleges usually require a minimum of 3 or higher on an AP exam to earn college credit (a score of 3 on a 5 point scale is a “passing” score)

10 Advantages Advanced Placement Program The opportunity to earn credit or advanced standing at most of the nation's colleges and universities. 3 or higher is generally a passing score, each college determines the score it will take to receive the college credit. (Each student should ask the admission counselor what the AP credit policy is for that school.) Improved writing skills and sharpened problem-solving techniques. Develop study habits necessary for tackling rigorous course work. Extra Quality Point for GPA calculations

11 Clemson University CourseScoreCourse Credit Art Studio Drawing3 4 5ART 205 Biology3 BIO 103/105, BIO 104/106 4 5BIO 110, 111 Calculus AB3 4 5MTHSC 106 Chemistry3 4CH 101 5CH 101, 102 English – Lit and Comp3 4ENGL 101 5ENGL 101, 103 U.S. History3HIST 101 4 5HIST 101, 102 World History3 4 5HIST 193

12 Wren AP Exam Success Rate by Subject 2010-11 Course Title & No. of Students 54321% 3 or higher US History 38 Students 1101411266% Studio Art 2 Students 01100100 % Chemistry 14 Student 2640286% Biology (2009) 15 Students 11301033% English Literature (new) 30 Students -- World Hist. 48 Students 31112 1054% Calculus AB 26 Student 9652477%

13 Costs Associated with AP Program Fees The State pays for all exam fees for the AP exams

14 Let’s Hear From the AP Teachers! AP Teachers are certified by the state and must attend a rigorous AP institute to earn certification What is an AP course like? How does it differ from a College Prep (CP) or Honors (H) Course? Tell us about the typical work load.


16 Philosophy of Dual Enrollment Courses To provide opportunities for qualified high school juniors and seniors to complete college-level courses while still enrolled in high school Students may earn dual credit (high school and college credit) when courses include both college and high school requirements

17 Wren HS Dual Credit Courses Courses Taught on WHS Campus by TCTC Professors English 101 / 102 (12 th ) Psychology 201 (12 th ) Sociology 101 (11 th / 12 th ) Math 140 Probability and Statistics (12 th ) PSC 201 American Government (12 th ) ECO 210 Macroeconomics (12 th ) Music Appreciation (11 th / 12 th ) Education 101 Teacher Cadets (12 th ) (Anderson University) (taught by WHS teacher) Courses Taught Online History 101 / 102 (Western Civilization) (11 th / 12 th ) CPT 170 Microcomputer Applications (11 th / 12 th ) CPT 270 Adv. Microcomputer Applications (11 th / 12 th ) Speech 205 (12 th )

18 Project Lead The Way Engineering Class: Dual Credit Awarded By: Typical Grade Offered: Aerospace Engineering (AE)University of Iowa11th-12th Biotechnical Engineering (BE)University of Iowa11th-12th Civil Engineering and Architecture (CEA) Rochester Institute of Technology11th-12th Computerized Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) Rochester Institute of Technology11th-12th Digital Electronics (DE)University of South Carolina10th-11th Introduction to Engineering (IED)University of South Carolina9th Principles of Engineering (POE)University of South Carolina10 th ***Business 101 (online)Tri-County Tech12th :

19 College Credit for PLTW Engineering Courses Transcripted dual credit is granted if a 70 or above is made on final exam and the class grade is a 85 or better. Cost $150-200 per course. 21 total hours is available. Instructors will handle application process for eligible students. 12 th grade course is in the process of attaining AP Certification, AP Board will finalize in May. All classes get Honors credit. Biomedical Science: All 4 courses can earn DC through the Missouri University of Science and Technology

20 Cost of Dual Credit Courses Tuition runs around $450 / course plus books The cost is approximately $450 for two courses plus books with Lottery Tuition Assistance for students who take 2 dual credit courses in a semester.

21 Dual Credit Analysis Wren High School DUAL CREDIT 2007200820092010 # of dual credit courses in which students enrolled 7392125201 Average grade earned 3.233.443.223.23 Total credits earned 321420510603 97% of students had a grade of A, B, or C 85% of the students had either an A or a B.

22 Required Assessment College Entrance Exam for Tri-County Technical College (TCTC) TCTC requires a college placement Test - COMPASS Test Site = TCTC and/or home high school Cost : FREE Test Dates: WHS: Varies (Set up by TCTC) Pendleton Campus: M-TH 8-5, F 8-12 Easley Campus: Tues. 2-5pm Anderson Campus: Fri 8-12 Compass Score Entrance Req. 83 or higher Reading ENG 101/102 (both minimum scores req’d) PSY 201 (75 or higher in reading only req’d) 70 or higher Writing Compass Score Entrance Req. 33 or higher AlgebraMAT 120 ECO 210

23 Advantages Dual Enrollment Program Dual Credit Courses are transferable to all in-state public colleges, some out-of-state public colleges, and a few private colleges. Improved writing skills and sharpened problem-solving techniques. Develop study habits necessary for tackling college course work. No national standardized test to determine credit – begin college transcript in high school. Extra Quality Point for GPA calculations.

24 Let’s Hear From the Dual Enrollment Representative Leigh Colombo


26 Time to Degree: AP vs. Dual Enrollment and Non-AP Source: Hargrove, Godin & Dodd (2007) Students who scored a 2 or higher on an AP Exam were more likely than other students to earn a bachelor’s degree within 4 years.

27 Benefits of AP and Dual Enrollment Courses *AP awards college credit for scores of 3, 4, or 5 on the subject area AP Exam *AP credit is transferable to ANY university AP Courses generally considered to be more rigorous and are FREE. Additional Quality Point for GPA calculation Dual Credit Courses are not dependent upon a score from a national exam *Dual Credit Courses are transferable to all in-state public colleges, some out-of-state public colleges, and a few private colleges. Additional Quality Point for GPA calculation *A student should always check with a receiving college for transferability of college course credits.


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