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{ Solar System Sun, Earth, and Moon.  The sun, moon and stars appear to rise and set because Earth spins on its axis.  The stars revolve as Earth orbits.

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Presentation on theme: "{ Solar System Sun, Earth, and Moon.  The sun, moon and stars appear to rise and set because Earth spins on its axis.  The stars revolve as Earth orbits."— Presentation transcript:

1 { Solar System Sun, Earth, and Moon

2  The sun, moon and stars appear to rise and set because Earth spins on its axis.  The stars revolve as Earth orbits the sun each year.  Planets are large objects that orbit the sun or another star.  5 planets are visible with the naked eye: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn Free Star Gazer Apps

3  The Sun is considered to be an average size star with average temperatures.  It is approximately 1.4 million kilometers in diameter which is about 300,000 times the size of Earth.  Our Solar System is made up of the sun, planets and other objects ( satellites, astroids, comets, gas, and dust) that orbit the sun  There are other stars in our galaxy that have their own planets that orbit them. Our Sun is a Star

4  The sun provides the entire solar system with Light and Heat.  The sun rises and sets every 24 hours as the Earth spins on it’s axis.  Humans, Animals, Plants and other Critters (aka Organisms) respond to patterns of the sun sitting and rising.  How do organisms respond to the sun?  Think about Temperature and seasonal changes. Why does this happen?  Response to Light Response to Light Response to Light Revolving around the Sun

5  Heat from the sun is the main cause of weather patterns on Earth  Space weather is caused by energized particles that leave the sun during solar flares.  These can cause problems with satellites which may lead to a blackout in communications on Earth Weather

6  People have been watching the stars since the first people were on the planet.  By observing planetary movements in the sky, they were able to determine that the stars are further away than the planets are.  The Greeks named the planets according to their mythical beliefs.  Galileo’s invention of the telescope aloud for the discovery of other celestial objects. Star Visibility

7 Constellations

8 What system are we a part of? What are the rules that the people have to follow in order to stay in the system?

9  The solar system is made up of the sun and all of the objects that orbit it.  The sun makes up 99% of the mass within the system and the planets, meteoroids,astroids,comets,gas and dust make up the other 1% Solar System Components

10  The force of gravity between two objects depends on the distance between them.  The greater the mass, the greater the gravitational force an object exerts on another if they are equally distant.  Do you want to listen to Wobble with 18 inch speakers or 3 inch speakers in your car?  Why? What is the difference? Gravity

11  The Sun exerts the most force because it has the largest mass.  Think of two magnets- 1 large and 1 small. Which exerts the most force?  Why doesn’t the smaller planets get pulled into the sun and burn up? Gravity

12  All of the objects exert a force on the other objects.  The sun exerts a force on Earth and so does Saturn.   This keeps us in our place.  It is like personal space, If you get to close to some people, then they will put you back in your place. Gravitational force

13  Mercury  Venus  Earth  Mars  Jupiter  Saturn  Uranus  Neptune  Pluto How many planets orbit the sun?

14  How long a planet takes to orbit around the sun is determined by the average distance the planet is to the sun.  Closer to the sun = less time to orbit.  Mercury orbits in 88 days  Earth =365.25 days  Pluto = 90,000 days or 248 Earth Years  Pluto is at times closer to the sun than Neptune due to the orbital path it takes. The key is average distance. Planatery Orbit

15  A satellite is an object in orbit around a body that has a larger mass.  The moon is a satellite to Earth.  Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,and Neptune have many satellites since they are so much larger in mass. Satellite

16  Mercury and Venus do not have satellites or moons.  Jupiter's moon “Ganymede” and Saturn’s moon “Titan” are larger than the planet Mercury.  Planets and Satellites reflect light, making them visble to us.

17  The moon orbiting Earth is approximately 384,000 km away.  The surface of the moon is covered in craters that are the result of asteroids colliding into the moon.  The Maria, or dark areas of the moon is thought to have been formed by lava that filled the craters, cooled and hardened into solid rock. Moon

18  Moon Phases - The moon appears to have different shapes as the result of it’s orbital position in relation to the Earth and Sun.  When the moon is on the same side of Earth as the sun, then it is said to be a New Moon.  A Full Moon is seen when the Earth is between the sun and moon and the moon is illuminated by the sun.  Quarter moons result as the moon is partially illuminated by the sun as a result of it’s relative position in orbit.  The time from one full moon to the next is 29.5 days Phases of the Moon


20  An Eclipse will occur when the Earth, sun and moon are in a straight line.  Solar Eclipse results when the moon is in a direct line between Earth and the Sun. This would take place during a New Moon Phase and could result in a daytime sky becoming dark.  Lunar Eclipse will result from a shadow being cast on the moon when the Earth is directly between the sun and moon.  These are rare because the moon’s orbit is slightly above or below the path between the Earth and Sun. Eclipse

21  Coastal areas have 2 high tides and 2 low tides each day.  Tides are primarily influenced by the gravitational pull of the moon.  The side of Earth nearest the moon is the most affected by the gravitational pull creating a Bulge known as high tide.  The side of the Earth opposite the moon experiences the weakest force resulting in low tide.  When the sun and moon are on the same side of the Earth, then the coastal areas will experience the highest tides of the month.  Tides vary from time to time each day of the month due to the moons orbit around Earth. Tides

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