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Weathering, erosion, and deposition. Use the following list, and match each with its appropriate statement: HydrolysisMass wasting Frost wedging ExfoliationErosionWeathering.

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Presentation on theme: "Weathering, erosion, and deposition. Use the following list, and match each with its appropriate statement: HydrolysisMass wasting Frost wedging ExfoliationErosionWeathering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weathering, erosion, and deposition

2 Use the following list, and match each with its appropriate statement: HydrolysisMass wasting Frost wedging ExfoliationErosionWeathering 1.More evident in Alaska than Texas 2.Movement of Earth material from one place to another 3. Decomposition of feldspar into kaolinite 4. Gravity influences this form of erosion and deposition 5. Repeated exposure to temperature extremes might influence this form of mechanical weathering 6. Chemical and mechanical break-down of rock Frost wedging erosion Hydrolysis Mass wasting Exfoliation Wx

3 Use the following and match to the appropriate term or phrase: Mechanical Weathering Chemical Weathering 7. Frost wedging 8. Root pry 9. Hydrolysis 10. Decomposition 11. Oxidation 12. Exfoliation 13. Thermal Expansion 14. Abrasion Mechanical Wx Chemical Wx Mechanical Wx

4 15. Which of the following statements is true? Mechanical weathering influences the rate of chemical weathering. Chemical weathering influences the rate of mechanical weathering. Both of these statements is true. ANS: Chemical weathering influences the rate of mechanical weathering 16. Describe two factors that influence the rate of water erosion. ANS: Gradient (slope); discharge (volume); Channel size and shape

5 Use the following list to answer the questions below: Youth MaturityOld age 17. Life stage of a river where you might you find rapids, and waterfalls ANS: Youth 18. Large meanders may be found during this stage ANS: Old age 19. Oxbow lake formation along a river may occur during this stage ANS: Old age

6 20. The most destructive erosional force on the surface of the Earth is… ANS: running water 21. Name two factors that increase the effectiveness of wind erosion ANS: Size of particles being carried; duration of the wind; speed of the wind; resistance of the exposed surface 22. What is deflation? ANS: Type of wind erosion that occurs when sand, silt and clay are picked up and carried a distance.

7 23. What is the name of a deposit created by deflation? ANS: Loess 24. What do rivers form at their edges, by depositing sediments? ANS: Natural levees 25. When rivers deposit sediment upon entering the ocean, what forms? ANS: Deltas 26. What is the name given to all the sediment carried by a river? ANS: Load

8 27. Sediments carried by a glacier are known as ANS: load 28. Sediments deposited by a glacier are known as ANS: Till 29. The sediment deposited at the most forward position that a glacier moved in history is known as ANS: terminal moraine 30. When two glaciers merge, the ridge of till that forms in the middle of them is known as ANS: medial moraine

9 31. How do “slump” and “earthflow” differ? ANS: slump occurs quickly, and earthflow is very slow. Use the following list of terms and match them to the appropriate description: DormantActiveExtinct 32. Volcano that is currently erupting 33. Volcano that will never erupt again 34. Volcano that has the potential to erupt, but is currently not erupting Active Extinct Dormant

10 35. How are glacial flour and glacial erratics different? How are they similar? ANS: flour is finely ground, and erratics are huge. Both are part of the glacier’s “load”. Use the following terms to match correctly to the statements below: Lava flowPyroclastic FlowLahar 36. Least deadly occurrence in a volcano 37. Includes water mixed with volcanic ash and debris 38. Volcanic ash and gases capable of moving up or downslope during an eruption Lava flow Lahar Pyroclastic flow

11 Use the following words and match them to their correct term or phrase below: Cinder coneShield volcano StratovolcanoComposite volcano 39. Both are the same type of volcano 40. Steep sided volcano, easily eroded 41. Gently sloping volcano composed of lava flow upon lava flow 42. Can appear in only a few days 43. Erupt explosively because of viscous magma 44. Erupt with very fluid, basaltic lava, which flows rapidly and readily Stratovolcano and Composite volcano Cinder cone Shield volcano Cinder cone Stratovolcano and composite volcano Shield volcano

12 45. What weathering agent is responsible for both mechanical weathering (through abrasion), and chemical weathering (through hydrolysis)? ANS: Water

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