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Presentation on theme: "ACADEMIC COUNCIL REPORT Y. T. SHAH PROVOST AND EXECUTIVE VICE CHANCELLOR JANUARY 19, 2006."— Presentation transcript:







7 Research Nuggets….  Through December:  Proposals awarded: $19.1M (up 14.6%)  Proposals submitted: $71.0M (down 3.4%)  F&A Collection: $3.06M (on target for budget goal)  New NSF Career Award:  Kai-tak Wan, “ Interfacing and Integrating Life Sciences and Solid Mechanics”

8 FY 06: Proposals Awarded through October Total: $19.2 M 14.6% growth over FY05

9 Total: $71.0 M FY 06: Proposals Submitted through October 3.4% compared to FY05


11 Academic Advising Conference The Voyager Learning Community January 11, 2006 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Turner Room Havener Center The Voyager Learning Community is a residential learning community for first year students at UMR. Voyager helps new students adjust to college life by providing a community in which students live together and learn together. Participants in this conference will gain a better understanding of the activities within the Voyager program and the benefits to the Voyager students. Knowledge of this first year program will assist faculty in advising new students at UMR.

12 Academic Alert System l FS05- 500 Academic Alerts Issues l Top 2 reasons for issuing the academic alert: 1) Poor performance 2) Lack of attendance l Top 3 defined, recommended actions: 1) Attend LEAD sessions 2) Improve homework submission 3) Increase attendance in class l Students completed 75% of actions by established deadline

13 Achieving Academic Excellence l A 6-week session for UMR students who wish to achieve greater academic and career success! Jan. 18- Feb. 20 l Invited Participants- UMR students who are currently on academic probation or academically deficient. Participants will learn how to: Develop self-confidence and increase self-motivation, improve personal self-management, develop time management skills, use textbooks more effectively, develop good study skills and maximize learning, develop note-taking skills, and develop strategies for managing stress and preparing for exams. Faculty Participation: Harvest Collier Diana Ahmad Ralph Flori Larry Gragg

14 Center for Educational Research & Teaching Innovation (CERTI) January 5 l Faculty Workshop - Collaborative Learning - Karl Smith 8:00 AM-11:30 AM l Faculty Workshop - Integrating Collaborative Learning in Course Design 1:00 PM-5:00 PM January 6 l Faculty Workshop - Assessing Effectiveness of Collaborative Learning & Educational Research 8:00 AM-12:00 PM January 10 l GTA Workshop - Handling Hot Moments in the Classroom 3:00 PM-5:00 PM

15 Master Student Fellowship Program UMR StudentsAcademic Advisors Jared Bouquet, Freshman Eng. Matthew Chandler, Mechanical Eng. Tyler Fears, Physics/Chemistry Kevin Knocke Jr., Aerospace Eng. Kevin Moss, Electrical Eng. Navish Nagesh, Aerospace Eng. Lauren Rose, Aerospace Eng. Nancy Hubing, Freshman Eng. Umit Koylu, Mechanical Eng. Ron Fannin, Basic Eng. Y. Rosa Zheng, Aerospace Eng. Cheng Wu, Electrical Eng. Keith Nisbett, Aerospace Eng. l An accelerated program for outstanding scholars at UMR l Students earn a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree at the same time. 2005-06 Participants

16 Outstanding Academic Advising Awards The Office of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies is accepting nominations for the: 2005-06 Outstanding Academic Advisor Awards l All students, faculty and staff are welcome to nominate any faculty or staff member who serves as an academic advisor to UMR students. l The deadline for nominations is February 28, 2006. l Detailed information, including nomination forms, is available on-line at:

17 Service Learning Program The UMR Service Learning Advisory Committee recently developed the following: l Mission Statement l Definition of Service Learning l Criteria for Academic Service Learning (AS-L) Courses at UMR l Faculty Fellows Program l Details are Available on the UMR Service Learning Web Site at:

18 Service Learning Program “ Academic Service Learning” Presented By Dr. John Strong Missouri State University, Executive Director Missouri Campus Compact January 31, 2006 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Silver & Gold Room UMR Havener Center Sponsored by the Office of Undergraduate & Graduate Studies

19 Undergraduate Research Conference A Celebration of Experiential Learning at UMR April 12, 2006 Oral Session Categories Poster Session Categories I. Engineering II. Humanities/Social Sciences III. Management & Information Systems IV. Natural Sciences I. Engineering II. Humanities/ Social Sciences III. Management & Information Systems IV. Natural Sciences V. Research Proposals l Call for Papers: Oral & Poster Sessions l First ($750), second ($500) and third ($250) place prizes will be awarded in each category l Submissions are due by MARCH 16, 2006. Download the registration materials at:

20 Voyager Learning Community January Seminar Series: l Jan. 9-”Welcome Back- Kick Off”, Vice Provost Harvest Collier, Undergraduate & Graduate Studies l Jan. 11- “Sliding Through the Semester: Are You Ready?”, Tammy Pratt, Counseling & Academic Support Programs l Jan. 17- “Good Interview /Bad Interview…You be the Judge!”, Michelle Robinson-Adams, Career Opportunities Center l Jan. 26- “Show me the Money!”, Chris Standifer, Financial Aid l Jan. 30- “Networking & You”, LaKeisha Wheaton, Career Opportunities Center


22 School of Extended Learning 1. The International Affairs Office welcomed over 50 new international students to the UMR campus during its January 3, 2006 orientation. While this does not represent the entire group admitted for the semester, the number showing up for this event does give a preliminary indication that the incoming class will be slightly larger than the corresponding class for the Spring semester of 2005. 2. The number of international students enrolled in English as a Second Language courses taught by faculty in the UMR Applied Language Institute grew to 34 by the end of FS 2005. Of this number, seven (7) completed their required language training and were certified to begin their academic coursework. Eight (8) more students made sufficient progress so that they were allowed to enroll part time in their academic programs while 19 remained in the language program and will be joined by a new group of students at the start of classes in January. 3. A panel of UMR faculty members consisting of Drs. S.N. Balakrishnan, Kakkattukuzhy Issac, Morris Kalliny, Daopu Numbere, Judy Raper, and Sahra Sedighsarvestani and moderated by Dr. Hal Nystrom answered a wide range of student questions during the annual “Tastes of the World” event on November 17, 2005.

23 School of Extended Learning 4. International enrollments continue to be a concern. While preliminary numbers for new admissions in WS 2006 indicate a slight increase over WS 2005, the table on the following page shows an overall decline. 5. Efforts by the academic departments, Admissions and the International Affairs Office have resulted in an increasing yield from the student pool establishing contact with UMR, however, competition is increasing among both US universities and other international locations to attract these students. The clear message is that UMR needs to remain aggressive in its recruiting efforts if it is to maintain a strong pool of qualified graduate students.

24 School of Extended Learning

25 l The Distance and Continuing Education Office has coordinated and provided support services for the Expanding Your Horizons effort that has been held on the UMR campus for several years. Thanks to the efforts of Drs. Lutz and Crow and many individuals from various departments on campus, the attendance has grown dramatically. This past November’s event set a new record that actually stretched the capacity of the campus facilities. The results are shown below. l Expanding Your Horizons Speaker and Attendance Summary Janet Kavandi, NASA Astronaut 200 Sandra Magnus, NASA Astronaut 157 Jean Holley, VP and CIO, USG Corporation 372 Gail Hahn, The Boeing Corporation 348 Joan Woodard, Exec. VP & Deputy Director, Sandia Nat. Labs. 478 Linda Wright, Sr. Advisor of Planning Coordination, Exxon Mobil Chemical 559


27 Information Technology Applications/Enterprise Reporting l Documentum version 5.3 formatting enhancements placed into production »Superscript »Subscript »Text color »Highlight »Horizontal rule l Enhancements made to campus search engine »Content and keywords added to meta tags thus increasing likelihood of results that match search criteria Networks and Computing l Voice-Over IP Telephony Project »Over 600 VoIP phones deployed »Engineering Management deployment completed »McNutt Hall deployment completed »Interdisciplinary Engineering schedule for February 15 deployment l Cisco Meeting Place Technology pilot with UMC »Video conferencing and web presentation solution l Fax service coming mid-January »Integrated solution allows customers to receive faxes in Outlook inboxes Solutions Center l Desktop Enhancement »919 machines have been inventoried to date for FY2005 – FY2007 »FY2005 complete with 297 machines deployed »FY2006 underway with 47 machines deployed l Technology Classroom Enhancement Program »52 Seat UCE Technology Classroom fully implemented with 24X7 access »18-seat Technology Classroom implemented in McNutt (130) Hall –Open for classes l Installation of a new standard solution for a general use Technology Classroom in Computer Science room 209 »This solution consists of a mobile instructor’s station (computer, Eztrol – for control of projector, sound, video feeds, a DVD/VCR combo) and a fixed projector l Work started on an iPod proof of concept »Use of pod casting as an enhancement to the classroom experience Project Management l Planning under way for Student Information Network/Campus Information Network


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