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CHAMPS Workshop: Goal Setting & Time Management Los Angeles Harbor College Presenter: Shazia Khan, Developmental Communications February 27, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAMPS Workshop: Goal Setting & Time Management Los Angeles Harbor College Presenter: Shazia Khan, Developmental Communications February 27, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHAMPS Workshop: Goal Setting & Time Management Los Angeles Harbor College Presenter: Shazia Khan, Developmental Communications February 27, 2015

2 Workshop Overview 1.Successful Habits of Mind 2.Goal Setting & Writing 3.Managing Your Study Time 4.Workshop Evaluation

3 Successful Habits of Mind 1.Actively reading 2.Having effective study skills 3.Communicating with clarity and precision 4.Using the resources that are available to you 5.Goal setting 6.Managing your time

4 Actively Reading

5 Study Skills

6 Communicating

7 Using Resources

8 Goal Setting

9 Time Management

10 Don’t Just Think It – INK IT! THINK BIG – If you had every resource, skill, and ability in the world, what do you want to have achieved in 3 years (March 2018)? Take a few minutes and write down 2-3 things.

11 Goals A goal is the end thing we aim for and want to achieve as we pursue a course of action. (Van Blerkom)

12 Academic Goal Setting Academic goals relate to your coursework. Going to class Completing assignments Preparing for exams Study Goals are objectives you want to achieve during a study session. Reading the assignment Reviewing class notes Research Exam preparation

13 Academic Goal Writing 1.You should think of a goal set by you. 2.Your goal should be moderately challenging. 3.Set realistic goals. 4.Goals should be specific and measurable. 5.Goals should be finite – within a timeframe 6.GOALS NEED TO BE POSITIVE

14 Goal Writing Continued … Verbs NOT to use: 1.I hope I can get all A’s this semester. 2.I would like to get an “A” in English 101. 3.I’m going to try to get a “B” in Health 11 Better Verbs: 1.I will achieve an “A” in English 101. 2.I will earn a “B” in Health 11.

15 Time Management (see handout)

16 Thank You! Shazia Khan Instructor, Developmental Communications (310) 233-4242 or 4238 Locations: NEA 255 and Literacy Center (LLRC 103B)

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