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World of Cultures Culture is conventions, customs, habits, and norms that people are accustomed to in their life time. Often, a prototype is set so that.

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Presentation on theme: "World of Cultures Culture is conventions, customs, habits, and norms that people are accustomed to in their life time. Often, a prototype is set so that."— Presentation transcript:


2 World of Cultures Culture is conventions, customs, habits, and norms that people are accustomed to in their life time. Often, a prototype is set so that simple following it is the convenient way to take for most of the time. Do you know which country may use which of the globe on the right for their own globe image and map?

3 World of Cultures Look at these world maps. Different nations make world maps differently. You will find amazingly that many put in the center of the map their own countries. A habit is formed that people think that others think as they do. Can one’s own culture be the same? 2

4 World of Cultures That is called prototype. Prototype is a customary habit that is subconsciously formed, and applied to the target even if the differences do exist obviously. When the prototype goes to further, it may become unjustified way of thinking, or prejudicious 3

5 World of Cultures One of the major issues in international management is that people often think that others think, behave, or work just as they do. In the matter of fact, differences of these are just as the differences of nations and peoples. 4

6 World of Cultures Most of major international blunders are results of misunderstanding of differences of cultures, and applied own cultural thinking to those of others. For instance, conflicts are more avoided in other cultures than in American culture. 5

7 World of Cultures Cultures indeed affect your success or failure of your international business, and your way of doing business globally. 6

8 World of Cultures Another example is that different cultures think highly of certain color than others. Red may mean happiness for one culture, while green means the same for another. Whereas different view of colors is a minor issue, it is just one aspect of complicated spectrum of cultures. 7

9 World of Cultures Think of the world in a different way, as they put: think of globally, and act locally. Or, simply think locally, and act locally. 8

10 World of Cultures The most appropriate way of doing business in international environments is to think in a cultural way, and behave in a cultural way. 9

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