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Taking a personal development approach to the teaching of research methods Elaine Clarke University of Westminster

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1 Taking a personal development approach to the teaching of research methods Elaine Clarke University of Westminster

2 Aims To set forward the argument that to integrate a personal development planning approach with the teaching of research methods should result in a more fulfilling research experience, is likely to lead to better quality research and will enhance students employability generally. To discuss ways in which links between the two might be strengthened

3 Structure Mapping of the common threads between the process of undertaking research and personal development planning Explore examples of where PDP activities fit within the research process Discuss how the links between the two might be strengthened Highlight the challenges

4 Undertaking research is about….Personal development planning is about…. Building Foundations Establishing a foundation on which to build Cultivating an approach to the world around us Cultivating an approach to ones life Building upon theoretical bases Linking experience with learning Familiarising oneself with accepted processes and practices Gaining clarity / control

5 Undertaking research is about……Personal development planning is about… Developing a critical perspective Developing a critical perspective towards evidence Developing a critical perspective towards oneself Looking beneath the surface, questioning sources and evidence Looking beneath the surface questioning experiences and situations Making sense of and organizing complex inputs Establishing relations between inputs and data Establishing relations between inputs and actions Evaluating evidence Making judgements based on evidence Constructing a reasoned argument (both about existing evidence and about evidence we collect) Constructing a reasoned argument around choices Recognising bias / ones own influence on choices Reflecting upon strengths and limitationsReflecting on strengths and limitations

6 Undertaking research is about……Personal development planning is about… Acting….. Developing an effective strategy for independent study / research Developing an effective strategy for personal development Devising action plans Linking plans to analysis Devising measures of evidence Monitoring and reporting on progress Consolidating and summarizing learning

7 Elements of PDP Personal audit Employability skills Emotional intelligence Motivation Self-managed learning Goal setting Reflective practice

8 The research process and emotional intelligence Data collection Research design Review of literature Idea generation Data analysis Reflection Findings & Conclusions EQ + IQ + MQ = Advancement (Dulewicz & Higgs, 1998) EQ + IQ + MQ EQ + IQ + MQ

9 Enhancing PDP within research methods teaching Role play Reflective log / Research diary Group problem-solving Research skills audit Link ideas to future career / studies Presentations Reflect on meetings with supervisor USE SEMINARS, LEARNING SETS, VLEs: Lifelines exercise Discussion threads

10 Adding a research methods strand to a PDP process Skills audit to include research competencies, e.g. critical thinking, integrative thinking Build up levels of research competencies over the years of study Links to online exercises, resources e.g. Exercise to evaluate research ideas Resource bank Organisational discussion threads, rather than modular

11 Challenges…. Needs an ongoing champion Winning hearts and minds Logistics – structures of programmes, courses, modes of delivery Maintaining momentum Differing capacities Resource implications?

12 Taking a personal development approach to the teaching of research methods Elaine Clarke University of Westminster

13 In summary….. Research methods teaching and personal development planning are natural allies. Tightening the links between them should lead to better research and more employable students. The way in which these links are tightened will, in theory, depend on structural and logistical issues. In reality, the challenges are more varied and possibly more deeply embedded.

14 Research competencies Problem identification Integrative thinking Information collection Data interpretation Academic written communication Research knowledge & understanding Project design Research methodology Model building Model testing Data analysis techniques (Doctoral Programme – Henley Management College)

15 The end result…. Students who are… motivated, self-aware, focused, self- critical, deep learners, conscientious, sensitive to others, emotionally resilient….. Students who can…. take a long-term approach, self-manage, influence and persuade, integrate their learning, see the bigger picture, challenge themselves, make choices about the appropriate way to approach a problem …..

16 Why link PDP with research methods in particular? Both process rather than content driven Link with dissertation gateway to the future students make choices and commit themselves to a course of action high degree of self-management and independence revealing much about themselves, their abilities and their motivations

17 The research process Data collection Research design Review of literature Idea generation Data analysis Reflection Findings & Conclusions

18 Emotional Intelligence Motivation Intuitiveness Emotional resilience Conscientiousness Self-awareness Inter-personal sensitivity Influence Drivers Constrainers Enablers Dulewicz & Higgs (2004)

19 In summary….. Research methods teaching and personal development planning are natural allies. Tightening the links between them should lead to better research and more employable students. The way in which these links are tightened will, in theory, depend on structural and logistical issues. In reality, the challenges are more varied and possibly more deeply embedded.

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