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5 th Grade Language Arts 2015-2016 Room C221 Angela Murphy Reading Specialist 610-205-8948.

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1 5 th Grade Language Arts 2015-2016 Room C221 Angela Murphy Reading Specialist 610-205-8948

2 Wonders Reading Program Reading/Writing Workshop Short reads to teach/model close reading Guided collaborative practice of key skills Literature Anthology Provides application of close reading Connects reading and writing Leveled Readers Differentiate to Accelerate & Remediate 50% Literary Text/50% Informational Text

3 Wonder Works Intervention Intervention program that was designed to supplement the Wonders Reading Program. Additional time in class will be spent re- teaching and reviewing skills and concepts taught in the Wonders Reading Program.

4 Connect Reading & Writing Writing Traits o Trait instruction to ensure successful writers o Writing practice every day o Writing and grammar integrated Grammar and Spelling o Develop mastery of grammar and language convention o Weekly instruction o Integrated into writing instruction

5 More on Writing… Types of Writing: Narrative Informative Persuasive/Opinion Domains of Writing (Traits): Focus Content Organization Style Conventions One published piece a marking period District writing formative assessments

6 Spelling City Our class will also be using Vocabulary Spelling City for word study. Vocabulary Spelling City is an educational website and app that allows students to practice their spelling and vocabulary words through engaging activities. Access Vocabulary Spelling City online at:

7 Language Arts Expectations Students should come prepared with: Language Arts binder and LA folder Homework Novel/SSR book Pencils Ipad Students should come to class ready to listen, participate, show respect to others, and to try their best.

8 LA Class Schedule Do Now & SSR reading/activity Homework check & review Essential Question Learning Objective/Goals Lesson of the Day Closure

9 Language Arts Homework Homework Packet One grammar & one spelling page each night Study weekly spelling & vocabulary words Reading Log…25 Book Challenge 20 minutes of independent reading at least four times per week…fill in log and return to school…25 Book Challenge Always refer to Schoology for daily assignments

10 Language Arts Grading Policy Grade calculations are based on the following: Unit Assessments - 45% Unit Tests/Weekly Comprehension Tests Writing Assignments/Book Reports Weekly Assessments – 40% Quizzes: Spelling/Grammar/ Vocabulary/Reading Informal Assessments – 15% Homework Classwork Reading Log

11 Expectations Arrive on Time. Be Prepared – Ipad Charged. Actively Listen. Be Respectful. Maintain Self-Control. Have a Good Attitude.

12 Absences / Gather make up work and missed assignments from the Absence Bin or Schoology the day you return to school / Three days to turn in missing work for every day of your absence / Must make up tests within three days of returning to school.

13 Interims & Report Cards / Interims are sent home half-way through marking period / You can view your child’s grade through the parent portal…sign up in the Administration Building / Parents will be contacted when necessary

14 How Can You Help? Check Schoology on a daily basis for assignments. Access your child’s Wonders Account to help them review what they are learning in class. Encourage your child to read EVERY night. Help your child with time management for project completion. Help your child stay organized. Clean out folders and book bag on a daily basis. Charge Ipad every night.

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