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Unit Six Block Ten Lecture The Fall of Rome Click me.

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2 Unit Six Block Ten Lecture The Fall of Rome

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4  The Roman Empire declines because of three major issues within the empire ◦ Political issues (who runs Rome?) ◦ Economic issues (what keeps everyone economically happy?), and ◦ Social issues (what becomes of Rome’s “soul”)  It will take about 300 years for these issues to finally lead to the end of Roman civilization Click me 180 CE/AD to 476 CE/AD

5  The empire is run by weak emperors and administrators  There is a lack of clear rules for imperial succession (who becomes Emperor?)  There is a decline in military discipline. Roman citizens do not want to serve in the Army and pay mercenaries who are not loyal to the Empire to fight for them. Click Here I couldn’t help myself

6  Increasing invasions cannot be stopped (the Empire gets smaller instead of bigger)  The Empire splits into the Eastern Roman Empire and the Western Roman Empire in 268 CE/AD  Emperor Constantine reunites the Empire in 326 CE/AD but moves the capital to Byzantium (renamed Constantinople)  The Empire splits permanently in 395 CE/AD  There are major Germanic barbarian invasions from 450 to 500 CE/AD) Click me EASTERN ROMAN EMPIRE going to last WESTERN ROMAN EMPIRE Soon to be out of luck

7  Rome increases taxes to support the defense of the Empire by mercenaries  There is a devaluation of currency to pay in part for the mercenary army  Widespread use of slavery increases overall unemployment  The population of the empire declines from its height of 45 million people in 100 CE/AD  Climate change and crop failures Click me Is it me or did a lot of this lead to the fall of the Republic? These are new!

8  There is civil conflict (mini civil wars) due to high unemployment  There is a moral decay within the traditional family system  Citizens lose their faith in the concept of the empire and many convert to Christianity  There is decreased military discipline (the army falls apart) Click Here

9  The “Fall of Rome” is when the rein of last emperor of the western Roman Empire ends in 476 CE/AD  The Eastern Roman Empire becomes the Byzantine Empire Click Here Descends into Chaos Unit seven here we come!

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