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Lecture 16 Immunology Nov 4 th 2010 Normal T cell T helper cell Coated with HIV.

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1 Lecture 16 Immunology Nov 4 th 2010 Normal T cell T helper cell Coated with HIV


3 In lymphnode, antigen must interact with B and T cells.

4 T cell receptor: Never secreted. No somatic mutation. Of two types, Alpha –Beta chains (90-99% of T cells) or Delta-gamma chains (1-10% )(few circulate, these T cells concentrated in gut)



7 T cell receptor Human Histocompatibility Antigen


9 In 2006, there were >25,000 organ transplants in the United States. The gender of donors was even (equal #’s of females and males donated organs.) Waiting lists for organs increase because the need for donated organs > availability. For example on February 11, 2006, there were 87,178 people certified for a transplant and waiting for organs. Racial and ethnic minorities are disproportionately represented waiting for an organ. The kidney was the organ in highest demand, with a total of 60,859 individuals awaiting a kidney, 42 percent of whom were female.




13 Blood Group antigens Karl Landsteiner, 1930 During WW1, 1914-1918, blood transfusions were attempted and patterns of rejection noted. The 1930’s in the US was the Great Depression..

14 Cell surface Blood Group antigens MAJOR- ABO T cell independent antigens MINOR- Duffy, Rh factor (D antigen) other T cell dependent antigen

15 This skin grafting instrument was made during World War II by Dr. Gilman Kirk from an 88-millimeter mortar shell casing. 1943 on - many reports of treatment of burns with skin



18 Notice scale expanded

19 Peter Gorer and George Snell Mouse strain A bred with Mouse Strain B F1 generation F1 accepts skin graft from either parent Neither parent accepts skin graft from F1 Thus it is a inherited trait.






25 Donor cells + Mitomycin C Recipient cells If no increase in cell Doubling of Extensive Proliferation Number Cell Number OK to transplant Possibility of Rejection Acute Rejection In humans

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