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GHAZAL SALEEM The City School Gulshan Boys Campus English Prep. II-T.

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1 GHAZAL SALEEM The City School Gulshan Boys Campus English Prep. II-T

2 Long Term Goal  Adopting 21 st century teaching approaches to enhance students’ English Language skills and approaches.

3 Short Term Goals By the end of the month the students will be able to:  Understand the characters and their nature.  have a good understanding of the novel.  clear understanding of the characters, plot summary.  Highlight the main incidents in book one comprising of six chapters.  evaluate students language proficiency through grammar topics.

4 Use of Blooms taxonomy in 21 st century approaches A TALE OF TWO CITIES BOOK-II ( 14-22) BOOK-III Plot summary Knowledge about the characters Vocabulary Building Analytical questions Chapter wise summary Role play, group class presentation

5 Instructional Strategies and tasks SUBTOPICS21 st century approaches 21 st century skillsmode Class Introductionto know each other Communication skills Ice breaking activity Introduction to the novel: “A Tale Of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens. Introduction to key characters and plotting Observational skills. Listening and speaking skills Movie session on YouTube Grammar: Multiple words- Verbs Active Passive To analyze the concept of modal verbs Monitoring skills Understanding skills Quiz from net

6 Students Achievement criteria Sr. NoName of student Marking criteria Timely submission Relevance information Presentation styleSpeaking skills Marks obtained 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

7 Solutions to anticipate the challenges CHALLENGESSOLUTIONS  Non availability of Computer Labs & printers  A schedule will be submitted earlier to the Section Heads so that the labs can be accessed.  A very busy schedule during school hours.  Free periods will be utilized to make the full use of our resources.  Non cooperation from a few students  Non cooperative students can be engaged as the organizing committee whose task will be to provide the material & resources.

8 Bloom’s Taxonomy Application Remembering : The children will be shown a movie before starting of the novel. Understanding: In my view children will get a clear idea of the novel plot, situations, conditions characters and all the emotions in the drama with proper facial expressions. So that a clear picture will be formed in their mind. Applying: While writing the summaries, reference to context and research work they will be able to apply this practical experience. Analyzing: The children will be divided in group of four’s and they will be given research work based on different situations. After submission of research work the assignments will be exchanged between peers for critical analysis. On research assignments they will analyze it carefully and then comment upon it. Evaluating:. On the basis of critical analysis the teacher will her view and will evaluate the clear understanding of students. Creating: In the end keeping in mind all the things the research work and the analysis the children while staying in the same group will create a master piece.

9 Resources Computer and printer Internet Teachers Reference Books e.g. Teachers Resource Guide, books on internet etc. Computer & Printer Word processing & Presentation Soft wares Intel® Teach Program – Getting Started course manual Support from other English Language Teachers

10 acknowledgement In the end I would like to thank my Allah who gave me such an opportunity to avail and acknowledge the support and guidance provided to me by my heads,seniors and my colleagues of course the Intel teach program who gave us the guidance and support at every step.

11 Conclusion At the end of the term, by implementing newly acquired teaching approaches for the 21 st century, students will be able to:  Improve their writing skills  Learn to do research through Internet  Enhance their English language skills  Make their work presentations attractive.

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