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Delete this slide from your final thesis presentation. S. No. Document Version Major ChangesAuthor/s Creation Date Review Date Reviewer/s 1. 1.0Initial.

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Presentation on theme: "Delete this slide from your final thesis presentation. S. No. Document Version Major ChangesAuthor/s Creation Date Review Date Reviewer/s 1. 1.0Initial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Delete this slide from your final thesis presentation. S. No. Document Version Major ChangesAuthor/s Creation Date Review Date Reviewer/s 1. 1.0Initial Release Dr. Ali Ahsan Chairman EM Jan 3 rd, 2014 President and BASAR Including (Dr. Ali Sajid, Dr. Nadeem Ehsan, Dr. Nadeem Qureshi, Dr Daniel Pirzada, Dr Memoona R Khan) 2 Document History

2 Title of Research Thesis Student Name Registration Number Supervisor: XXX Date of Presentation

3 Notes for Student Delete this slide from your final thesis presentation. Your presentation should be of <30 minutes. Question and answer session would be controlled by you. You must try to answer all question and answers within 15 to 25 minutes after your presentation. Remember in a proposal defense the committee wants to see – what you intend to do (problem that you are handling) – the gap in the literature (you will explain from literature review)<<<the committee does not need summary or understanding of all previous literature!!! – how you want to do (your research methodology) BE PRECISE!!!!!

4 What is the research all about (Your Basic Research Problem)? Research Title, Month-Year, Name of Student

5 Expected Scope: Study Rationale/Significance: Research Title, Month-Year, Name of Student

6 The Major Research Questions of the Study – Research Question 1 ??? – Research Question 2 ??? Research Title, Month-Year, Name of Student

7 Research Process (Diagram)

8 Research Methodology – Possible Sources of Primary Data Research Title, Month-Year, Name of Student

9 Research Methodology – Possible Data Collection Method(s): Research Title, Month-Year, Name of Student

10 Research Methodology – Possible Data Analysis Method(s): Research Title, Month-Year, Name of Student

11 Possible Limitations of the Study: Research Title, Month-Year, Name of Student

12 Hypothesis (if any) Research Title, Month-Year, Name of Student

13 Theoretical Framework Research Title, Month-Year, Name of Student

14 Literature Review Venn Diagram Research Title, Month-Year, Name of Student

15 Literature Review Core Findings: Research Title, Month-Year, Name of Student Notes: Please note that do not bombard tons and tons of summary of articles and material. Use web and see how literature review is done using Venn diagram. Precisely focusing on your topic; explain what similar or close by work (existing literature) has been done that is relevant to your topic. A)Provide short summary of what the work is? B)Explain how the work is relevant to your research? C)What are problem(s) in this work? What are the good aspects? D)How is your work novel with respect to this work? Refer only high class literature.

16 What would be the expected outcome of your thesis? [Intellectual Contribution to Existing Knowledge Base] – Example of an outcome can be a guideline, an important industrial / theoretical finding, a mathematical equation, a model, visibility into an industrial or academic problem, a guideline, identification of a problem/scenario, literature review, evaluation, a project, understanding of a problem/scenerio Etc Research Title, Month-Year, Name of Student

17 How do you expect to validate your work? Research Title, Month-Year, Name of Student

18 Social Economic Impact of Your Research Research Title, Month-Year, Name of Student

19 Thankyou Question and Answer??? Research Title, Month-Year, Name of Student

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