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MANAGING SUCCESSFUL CHANGE SILE O’DONNELL 18 SEPT 2015 Be the change you want to see in the world... Gandhi (1869-1948)

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Presentation on theme: "MANAGING SUCCESSFUL CHANGE SILE O’DONNELL 18 SEPT 2015 Be the change you want to see in the world... Gandhi (1869-1948)"— Presentation transcript:

1 MANAGING SUCCESSFUL CHANGE SILE O’DONNELL 18 SEPT 2015 Be the change you want to see in the world... Gandhi (1869-1948)

2 What has been the most significant positive change in your life?

3 …..Public Service Stability Agreement 2013-16 Public Service Reform Programme 2014-2016 FEMPPE Social/demogr aphic change Labour market changes Technological Change…. The Changing Landscape.... SWOT ANALYSISFORCE FIELD ANALYSIS STRATEGIC PLANNING DRIVING FORCES CURRENT/FUTURE STATE RESTRAINING FORCES

4 Society Organisation Group Individual Levels of Change

5 People adjust to change by forming new expectations that can lead to success under the new conditions. success 3 types of energy required to adjust expectations: Mental (to figure out what is happening and how to respond) Emotional (to deal with feelings e.g. loss, anxiety, threat, relief, joy, resentment) Physical (e.g. managing stress, increased hours/ responsibility

6 (


8 How do we improve our capacity to change? How can we switch on people who are disengaged? How can we champion change and inspire others?

9 Developing Personal Resilience Focus on People... Manage conflict effectively Develop/manage positive relationships Communication skills Influencing/negotiating skills Do the right things right... Set objectives, KPIs Manage time, projects, meetings Manage/measure performance Motivate self and others

10 Kotter’s 8 Step Change Model

11 ‘People don’t resist change. They resist being changed!’ Peter Senge

12 The Iceberg Model Goals Structure Policies Technology mission Beliefs assumptions attitudes feelings Values Understanding Culture

13 loss of control excess uncertainty everything seems different the surprise factor past resentments more work loss of face competence concerns ripple effect sometimes the threat is real ( Moss Kanter, 2012) So why do People ‘Resist’ Change?

14  Loss of control  Excess uncertainty  The surprise factor  Everything seems different  Past resentments  More work  Loss of face  Competence concerns  Ripple effect  Sometimes the threat is real (RM Kanter: chang/ Rogers’ Innovation Adoption Model 2.5% - Innovators 13.5% - Early Adopters 34% - Early Majority 34% - Late Majority 16% - Laggards



17 One of the things I learnt when I was negotiating was that until I changed myself I could not change others Nelson Mandela (1918- 2013)

18 Specify the nature of the change Make sure that people understand the change and how it will affect them Explain why change is needed Explain the reasons and rationale for the change. Communicate continuously and authentically Make sure you’re connecting with everyone using multiple approaches. Manage the negatives Make sure that negatives are anticipated and managed Explain what success looks like Describe the future vision, and what success will look like Explain what’s in it for people Identify how change will benefit individuals. Support this through HR policies Repeat yourself Communicate relentlessly even when there is nothing to communicate! Genuinely engage with stakeholders Provide meaningful opportunities for feedback, discussion and change Be a change champion Model the changes you want to see CHECKLIST FOR SUCCESSFUL CHANGE

19 Managing Change Managing Yourself Managing People Managing Relationships Managing Performance PAI TRAINING AND SERVICES CHANGE MANAGEMENT COMPETENCIES

20 What will you you do to lead and adapt to change?

21 Things don’t have to change the world to be important – Steve Jobs

22 References and Resources Ackerman Anderson L. and Anderson D (2001): The Change Leader ’ s Roadmap: How to Navigate your Organisation ’ s Transformation, San Fransisco:Pfeiffer. Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (2014): Public Service Reform Plan 2014-2016. HSE: (200): Improving Our Services: A User ’ s Guide for Managing Change in the Health Service Executive Kanter, R.M. (2012): Ten Reasons why People Resist change, Harvard business Review, Kotter, J.P. (1995): ‘ Leading Change: why Transformation efforts Fail – Eight steps to transforming your organisation ’, Harvard Business Review, March-April Labour Relations Commission (May 2013) Proposals for Public Service Stability Agreement 2013-2016, Dublin:LRC. O ’ Donnell, S (2014): ‘ Leading and Implementing Change: Responding to the Challenges of the new Public Service Reform Plan ’, Public Affairs Ireland Journal, Feb. Rogers, E.M. (1983). Diffusion of Innovations (third edition). New York: Free Press. Schein, E. (1987): Process Consultation: Vol II: Lessons for Managers and Consultants, Addison-Wesley.


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