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Published byLuke Ball Modified over 9 years ago
Summary of Terms of Reference of the Management Group ensure the integration of the programme areas, evaluate the progress achieved, coordinate strategic planning and decide on any necessary adjustments to the working structure during the intersessional period
ParagraphActions of CAS MG Requested by CAS XV Responsible Parties 3.1.4 The CAS MG needs to ensure that the recommendations of the review “Aerosol Pollution Impact on Precipitation: A Scientific Review”, Springer Verlag ISBN:978-1-4020-8689-2, on how to improve understanding of impacts of aerosol pollution on precipitation are addressed whenever possible through the activities of the Commission. Chairs JSC WWRP and EPAC GB: We have invited Marty Ralph (ESRL, NOAA) on the WWRP OSC SPC. He is actively involved in research on high-impact atmospheric precipitation and hydrological events and cloud interaction with aerosols. We will ensure that this topic will be covered at the OSC. He is planning a major research program in the USA on the topic and he could be interested in combining it with a WWRP RDP or FDP.
ParagraphActions of CAS MG Requested by CAS XV Responsible Parties 3.1.5 Regarding “WMO Statement on Weather Modification (including an Executive Summary)” and the “WMO Guidelines for the Planning of Weather Modification Activities”, a periodic rolling review of these documents by the Expert Team on Weather Modification Research as stated in the Strategic Plan of WWRP is desirable. D/RES DT: The “WMO Statement on Weather Modification (including an Executive Summary)” and the “WMO Guidelines for the Planning of Weather Modification Activities” were updated in March 2010 and the latest versions are available at: df Dr Roelof Bruintjes from NCAR in the USA assumed the role of Chairperson of the Expert Team on Weather Modification Research in April 2011. The WMO Scientific Conference on Weather Modification was held in Bali, Indonesia for 4-7 October 2011. At the end of the conference the Expert Team on Weather Modification Research met to review the outcome of the conference, which included a discussion of geoengineering, and to consider developments in the field of weather modification that might require an update to the statement. No reason was found for an update to the relevant documentation at the time. It should be noted that apart from an initial contribution to the Weather Modification trust fund by the UAE, no further contributions have been made despite several request to Members. This situation is not sustainable with regards to the activities of the expert team or organizing the (quadrennial) scientific conferences on weather modification. CAS-16 will be requested to consider options related to the future of this activity.
ParagraphActions of CAS MG Requested by CAS XV Responsible Parties 3.3.5 The Commission concurred with the conclusion of the 3rd Joint Scientific Committee of the WWRP that the recommendations of the EC-LX Research Task Team and the Vision papers outlined subsequently in CAS-XV would increase the scope of the WWRP at a time when the WMO Secretariat is already stretched to cover the successful activities of the WWRP and THORPEX. The CAS Management Group, the WMO Secretariat within AREP and the Secretary-General of the WMO are requested to take this issue into careful consideration and to prioritize activities accordingly. Pres.CAS: CAS President has strongly advocated increased support to CAS programs, particularly WWRP, with WMO President, WMO SG and DSG, by pointing out the value of the CAS science programs for WMO members. The DSG for one seems to agree to explore ways to provide more resources to CAS programs, and has repeatedly expressed in several venues the value and impact of CAS programs. DT: The priorities and critical review of activities of CAS and its impact on the research department are considered within the various structures of CAS on an ongoing basis. A well-planned post THORPEX transition in which better use is made of off-site International Coordination Offices for projects is one of the mechanisms being introduced to reduce the workload of the secretariat. The early engagement of CBS to ensure a pathway through which mature research can transition into operations, for example, within the SWFDPs, SDS-WAS specialized centres etc., is a further strategy being introduced.
ParagraphActions of CAS MG Requested by CAS XV Responsible Parties 4.3 Considering the need to simplify programmatic structure, the Commission strongly recommended that WMO formally delete AREP as a programme of WMO and recognize GAW and WWRP, including the THORPEX programme as main programmes delivering on key outcomes of the WMO Strategic Plan. It recommended that, in future, the word “programme” is not used to label research activities within a designated main programme or to describe groups of programmes. It encouraged WMO to adopt this practice so as to avoid confusion. Pres.CAS D/RES Pres.CAS: This has been done, and both WWRP/THORPEX and GAW are now programs. DT: Both WWRP and GAW are now recognized as individual high-level Programmes of WMO following the decisions of Cg-16. In the Process the Atmospheric Research and Environment Programme seized to exist although the Atmospheric Research and Environment (ARE) Branch, as part of the organizational structure of WMO, still exist within the Research Department alongside the co- sponsored WCRP.
ParagraphActions of CAS MG Requested by CAS XV Responsible Parties The Commission concludes that the successful coupling of atmospheric and hydrological models for flood forecasts in MAP D- PHASE could serve as a model for the implementation of the WMO Flood Forecasting Initiative by the Inter-Commission Task Team and urged a greater partnership between CHy and CAS in these efforts. Pres CAS and Pres CHy Pres CAS: The CAS President is happy to report that after many years of trying, the newly elected CHy President Harry Lins (USA) has formally invited CAS to designate a representative to the CHY Flood Forecasting Initiative Advisory Group, which met on May 13-14 2013 in Geneva. This has been done.
ParagraphActions of CAS MG Requested by CAS XV Responsible Parties The Commission noted the increasing prominence of mesoscale modeling in many facets of WWRP work and requested the JSC-WWRP and WGNE to review current coordination arrangements for mesoscale research and come up with a specific proposal for consideration by the CAS Management Group in the next meeting of the Commission. Chairs of: JSC-WWRP WGNE GB: WGNE document on future priorities will address this action in part. WWRP proposed reorganization will merge the Nowcasting and Mesoscale Forecasting WGs. The two chairs have been tasked to write a document on the merger and new orientations. AB: Ongoing. A proposal is currently being worked up for a possible high impact weather project as part of the THORPEX legacy. The exact scope of this is not currently clear, but, assuming it goes forward, it seems likely that mesoscale modelling (and very likely convection-permitting mesoscale modelling - see 8.2.2) will form part of it. Once the way forward there is clear, it will be necessary to review the roles of the mesoscale forecasting group and WGNE in this area (and also where data assimilation for high resolution models is covered). Noting that as well as the commonality of many model errors across timescale, many issues are also relevant across space-scale. Hence WGNE is likely to have a role, as a minimum, in bridging between the global and mesoscale communities. Similarly, there is a need to ensure that climate downscaling efforts remain linked to, and take advantage of, mesoscale NWP expertise.
ParagraphActions of CAS MG Requested by CAS XV Responsible Parties In view of the potential benefit to Members of improved prediction of the interannual variability of tropical cyclones and severe weather within monsoon systems, the Commission requested that the WGTMR/TCP, WGTMR/MP and THORPEX collaborate with the WCRP on research designed to increase knowledge and advance prediction of the interannual variations in the number and intensity of high-impact events (see also item 7.3). Such an effort should build upon past WGTMR/TCP efforts such as the Summary Statements on Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change, the seasonal prediction Website, and on the successful International Conference on Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change. Pres. CAS Chair JSC-WWRP Pres CAS: This has been delegated to the JSC WWRP Chair. GB: It is intended to have a session at the WWRP OSC on prediction of frequency of high-impact weather at subseasonal to seasonal time scales.
ParagraphActions of CAS MG Requested by CAS XV Responsible Parties The Commission welcomed the recent progress toward establishing an active societal and economic research and applications (SERA) effort with a new Chair of the Working Group on SERA, an enhanced membership and a proposed partnership with the multi-sponsored international Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) programme. The Commission strongly recommended that WMO formally establish this joint working group with IRDR with equal resources and membership contributions and requested that the chair of the SERA Working Group be a member of the IRDR Steering Committee. Chair JSC-WWRP GB: A MoU for collaboration between WWRP/SERA and IRDR has been signed. They are forming a joint working group and the chair of the SERA working group is now a member of the IRDR Steering Committee.
ParagraphActions of CAS MG Requested by CAS XV Responsible Parties 6.2.7 The JSCs of the CAS OPAGs and Secretariat provide information to the CAS Management Group that allows a regular assessment of the priorities for future FDPs and that the Secretariat maintain an up-to-date account of past, on-going and planned FDPs. Chair JSC WWRP Secretariat C/WWR GB and DT: The CAS-MG is kept abreast of RDPs / FDPs and the recommendations of (mainly) the JSC OPAG-WWRP concerning these projects as most of the project to date has had a weather research focus. RDPs / FDPs are regarded as effective, smaller-scale, high-visibility, bottom-up and mainly self- funded initiatives within a regional or event-specific context that promotes research and application development benefitting from the input and approval of the JSCs. In preparing for CAS-16, the CAS President requested the Presidents of Regional Associations to each identify three research priorities in their regions. This input could be considered for possible future RDPs / FDPs. C/WWR will provide an up-to-date-account of FDPs available through a web link.
ParagraphActions of CAS MG Requested by CAS XV Responsible Parties 6.3.3 The Commission agreed with the OPAG-DPFS and recommended that the Secretariat appoint a small ad-hoc joint task team with representatives from the CBS OPAG-DPFS and CAS to prepare, for the consideration of management groups and EC, an amendment to the GDPFS Manual covering the various operational aspects of the SDS- WAS. D/RES C/WWR DT: Since CAS-15, CAS and CBS collaborated towards establishing the mandatory functions for a Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre with activity specialization in Atmospheric Sand and Dust storm Forecasts (RSMC-ASDF) as approved by CBS-15. The SDS-WAS Implementation Plan will be updated during 2013. It will propose autonomy for research coordination at regional levels by the Members involved, specify more precisely the steps to translate research modelling activities to operational dust forecasting, propose a mechanism of international coordination of existing regional collaboration components and suggest establishing a trust fund to support the global coordination of SDS-WAS activities which the Council can consider at EC-66.
ParagraphActions of CAS MG Requested by CAS XV Responsible Parties 6.5.5 The Commission recognized the potential of the European Operational Programme for the Exchange of Weather Radar Data Information (OPERA) to provide a basis for international standards for the exchange of radar data and to enable their use in prediction systems. The Commission requested that WMO JONAS and WWRP-WGNR develop jointly a response to this challenge and complete a report reviewed by the commission management groups for presentation to the Executive Council. D/RES C/WWR P.J and A.S.: The OPERA ODIM data model is comprehensive and appears to meet the current needs for global data exchange of raw radar data. WMO/CIMO is considering adopting this for a global data exchange format. A recent meeting was conducted on this in April 2013 in Exeter, UK and a technical task team will be formed to review the OPERA ODIM_BUFR format. Research in dual-polarization and data quality will require changes relatively soon. HDF5 encoding formats provide needed flexibility for researchers, developers and NHMS'. BUFR is the WMO operational format standard but is not readily decodable by the research community. Support by WMO for the OPERA_H5 variant is a necessary requirement by the research community and hence by WWRP. Things will change and if there is no one in charge, no model or format will survive. So, ownership, maintenance and responsive and timely change management are required for any standard to be effective otherwise it will not be a standard. Expertise is required to provide a timely response. As with all initiatives of this sort, trialling of this concept should be done in a pilot project that will include both operational and research aspects and with radar networks of various maturity levels. It should be noted that development of a raw radar data format will promote efficiency, reduce the complexity of and barriers collaboration but it does not preclude the exchange of radar data in native formats. In many cases, research has the capability to decode native formats. WWRP can encourage the use of OPERA_BUFR/H5 by making it a requirement of RDP/FDP’s. For example, the South China Monsoon Rainfall Experiment or the Lake Victoria Project will require the exchange of radar data and use of the WMO format should be encouraged or be a mandatory requirement. Another possible project(s) could be to encourage the development of radar mosaic for hurricane/typhoon tracking. The extensive geographical coverage area should encourage the exchange of projection-free data as opposed to cartesian products that are often developed around a local map projection.
ParagraphActions of CAS MG Requested by CAS XV Responsible Parties 6.9 The Commission took note and greatly appreciated the many areas of collaboration and coordination between CBS and CAS including with the THORPEX IPO. Noting the benefits this increased coordination could bring, the Commission requests that its Management Group establish regular contact with the CBS Management Group to facilitate planning and coordination of inter-commission activities and consider the possibility of joint or overlapping meetings if and as needed. Pres. CAS Pres. CBS Pres. CAS: This has been achieved. CAS President and CBS President have had many discussions on the value of increasing this collaboration, and for a number of CAS activities and projects, such as SDS, SWFDP, TIGGE, S2S, WIGOS, etc..., active collaborations have been established, with CBS President often attending CAS led meetings. Similarly, CAS has identified experts to work with CBS programs and activities as requested.
ParagraphActions of CAS MG Requested by CAS XV Responsible Parties 7.1.1 The Commission congratulated WGNE on its 25th anniversary and noted with approval the role of the extensive activities of the WGNE in fostering the development of atmospheric models for use in weather prediction and climate studies. In particular, over the last four years WGNE has continued to strengthen its role in support of CAS through increasing collaboration with WWRP, notably through its involvement in the implementation of THORPEX and collaboration with WCRP. By maintaining a close relationship with operational centres, WGNE has ensured synergy between NWP research and operations thus supporting the WMO and CAS objective of transitioning research to operations. The Commission recommended that future WGNE activities place an emphasis on enhancing collaborations between weather, climate, water and environmental prediction research as recommended by the EC-RTT (see agenda item 8.1). Chairs of WGNE, WWRP EPAC GB: A document has been produced by WGNE co-chairs to address WGNE future priorities. AB: WGNE fully agrees with the CAS recommendation to enhance collaborations between weather, climate, water and environmental prediction and continues to strive to do so. Very many of the projects and activities are highly relevant across timescale (due to the commonality of many errors in weather and climate models), and some have been specifically designed to try to bring communities together e.g. TRANSPOSE-AMIP deliberately designed to make it easy and therefore attractive for the climate community to perform short initialized experiments and learn from NWP experience. Two joint workshops have also been held with the THORPEX-PDP group, and WGNE has fully engaged with the planning for the S2S and polar projects (including pushing for the bridging together of the relevant parts of the polar prediction project and the parallel WCRP project). Efforts are also being made to work with the ocean modelling community (see 7.1.3) and to engage with the chemistry community (see 7.1.4).
ParagraphActions of CAS MG Requested by CAS XV Responsible Parties 7.1.3 The Commission appreciated the emphasis that WGNE had placed on documenting research activities in atmospheric and oceanic modelling and noted the valuable contribution its annual report made to the modelling community. WGNE is urged to consider in its activities the critical research regarding ocean modelling issues related to weather and climate (see paragraph 8.5). Chair WGNE AB: WGNE fully recognizes the importance of ocean modelling - for ocean forecasts as an end in themselves, for monthly to climate forecasts and, increasingly, for weather prediction as NWP models move towards using a coupled ocean. For this reason, a joint workshop has been organized (Washington, March 2013) with the GODAE/OceanView community to examine the current state-of-the- art for coupled NWP. As well as being relevant for short-range forecasting, the outputs of the meeting seem highly likely to be relevant for longer-range predictions (e.g. subseasonal to seasonal) in view of evidence that (as with atmosphere-only models) many of the errors in coupled model forecasts only a few days in length are qualitatively very similar to those seen at longer range.
ParagraphActions of CAS MG Requested by CAS XV Responsible Parties 7.1.4 The Commission strongly supported the proposal to hold a major international conference on parameterization for large-scale models and the preparation of a White Paper tied to such a conference. It recommended that it include the atmospheric chemistry research community in these activities as appropriate. Chair WGNE AB: The conference on parametrization for large-scale models was held as planned. The forthcoming WGNE systematic errors conference (Exeter, April 2013) is also relevant in this regard. WGNE has also paid due attention to the need to bring together the atmospheric chemistry community with the NWP community, holding a joint session with GURME at the last WGNE meeting. A key point of common interest concerns aerosol representation in NWP, and it is hoped that it may be possible to develop some co-ordinated experimentation in this area (e.g. assessing the sensitivity of the weather forecast to different levels of aerosol representation).
ParagraphActions of CAS MG Requested by CAS XV Responsible Parties 7.3.3 The Commission requested the JSCs of the WWRP and the WCRP and also the THORPEX ICSC to set up an appropriate collaborative structure to carry out an international research initiative on sub-seasonal to seasonal forecasting. It recommended that this is closely coordinated with the present existing CBS infrastructure for long-range forecasting (with centres producing long-range forecasts and regional climate centres) and with the future developments in WMO climate service delivery and the Global Framework for Climate Services. Chairs JSCs of WWRP THORPEX WCRP & Pres. &VP CAS &CBS &CL Pres. CAS: Done. GB: The research team is operational. A comprehensive research implementation plan has been produced in 2012 addressing all the aspects of this action. AD: A joint WCRP/WWRP subseasonal to seasonal project has now been launched under the auspices of THORPEX. The WMO EC has approved the project along with the establishment of a Trust Fund. The project will run for 5 years. A meeting hosted by the UK Met Office during December 2010 made recommendations for the way ahead. This involved setting up a Planning Group to develop an Implementation Plan. This Plan gives high priority to a small number of international research activities, improving co-ordination with operational centres, facilitating wide use of the CHFP, TIGGE and YOTC data sets and developing a SERA component. An article describing the project has recently appeared the WMO Bulletin. A flyer has also been written. The project will focus on the timescale from 14 days to 90 days and looking at high impact events such as droughts, floods and the humanitarian, agricultural, disease and other consequences. The intention is to bridge the predictability gap between weather and climate. Close linkages will be maintained with the GFCS, CLIVAR/GEWEX/WGNE, YOTC and the MJO TF, CBS and the Verification WG. An S2S Project team has been established with CBS membership. CBS will use the project output to improve monthly and longer range forecasts.
ParagraphActions of CAS MG Requested by CAS XV Responsible Parties 8.2.2 Regarding limited area non-hydrostatic models that are convection permitting, the Commission suggested research activities that include: i) optimizing observations and observing strategies; ii)data assimilation; iii) convection permitting ensembles; iv) model development including parameterization of physical processes; v) verification and predictability research to quantify the likely improvements in the prediction of a variety of high impact weather events. Several of these research challenges are currently unmet by the WWRP Working Group on Mesoscale Forecasting Research and noted the need for increased collaboration between the Working Group on Mesoscale Forecasting Research and other relevant working groups. The Commission therefore requested that the JSC of the WWRP provide the CAS Management Group with suggestions on how to facilitate this collaboration, including potential changes to the organizational structure of the WWRP. JSC of the WWRP GB: Action and 7.1.1 are addressing part of this action. It is still in discussion which working group (WGNE, Mesoscale Forecasting or DAOS) would address the DA problem at convective scale. The joint verification working group is looking into the problem of verification at these fine scales. It is planned that the HIW Thorpex legacy research project will have an important component to tackle and enhance international collaboration for this prediction problem.
ParagraphActions of CAS MG Requested by CAS XV Responsible Parties 8.4.3 The successful development of polar prediction systems requires the involvement within the Commission of WWRP, including THORPEX, GAW and WCRP. Collaboration and cooperation with other WMO technical commissions and their programmes as well as WMO Member support is essential. Chair JSC WWRP GB: A comprehensive research implementation plan for the Polar Prediction project (PPP) has been developed and finalized in January 2013 in coordination with the different WMO components and WCRP. The science team is now fully operational.
ParagraphActions of CAS MG Requested by CAS XV Responsible Parties 9.1.2 Noting the intention of the Executive Council (EC-LXI, paragraphs 8.17 to 8.19) to review the effectiveness of technical commissions and in particular, an option for a change in the format of Commission meetings proposed by the Secretariat to EC “that would see the technical commissions meet together at an eight-day, joint technical conference/intergovernmental meeting held every second (even) year. This joint technical commission meeting would have two components: (1) an intergovernmental component of two days where the work of the technical commissions is organized and elections for officers confirmed; and, (2) up to six days of a scientific/technical component where academia, operations and industry could meet and work together, and the management groups of the various technical commissions could meet to coordinate their work”. The Commission recommended that the president, vice-president and the Management Group review this option as well as other options in the reform of Commissions and in particular, the functioning of CAS and offer WMO guidance as appropriate. It therefore requested the president and the Management Group to report progress at the next session of CAS. Pres. CAS VP CAS Pres. CAS: This plan has been put on a backburner for now, although it could be examined in the future if conditions warrant it.
ParagraphActions of CAS MG Requested by CAS XV Responsible Parties 9.2.4 The Commission requested the president and Management Group to review the {WMO strategic} plan in early 2010 as feedback to the second draft. President Pres. CAS: Done.
ParagraphActions of CAS MG Requested by CAS XV Responsible Parties 9.3.1 Noting the successful completion of strategic plans of implementation for the Global Atmosphere Watch programme and for the World Weather Research Programme including the THORPEX programme, the Commission agreed that there was now a sound basis for managing, coordinating and evaluating activities within programmes, between these programmes and between the other major WMO co-sponsored research programme, the WCRP. The Commission requested that the CAS Management Group, the JSC of GAW, the JSC of WWRP and the ICSC of THORPEX use these implementation plans to support the WMO Strategic Plan and assist the WMO Secretariat to use the Results-Based Management System to effectively report progress to Members through the Executive Council and Congress. It requested the president to bring forward a paper for consideration at the next Commission session that shows the Commission plans in the context of the overall WMO plans, including performance indicators. President Pres. CAS: In progress.
ParagraphActions of CAS MG Requested by CAS XV Responsible Parties 9.3.2 The Commission noted that a periodic review by an expert panel is common for major international research programmes and requested the president of CAS to present options for any review to EC-LXII. The Commission further noted that these options should include inter alia, draft Terms of Reference for any review, the proposed funding of the review mechanisms and the proposed timeline of the review. President Pres. CAS: This was postponed, given the total lack of flexibility in the ARE budget to finance this initiative. It should nevertheless remain as something that should be done as soon as EC or Congress agrees with providing funding for this.
ParagraphActions of CAS MG Requested by CAS XV Responsible Parties 13.1 Attention {was called} to six areas in which the Commission should be setting specific goals within the context of the Results-Based Management: (1) Implementation and successful completion of the Year of the Tropical Convection project; (2) Extension of capacity-building programmes to the developing countries showing real evidence of progress and achievement; (3) Elevation of the JSC-WWRP to a status of international respect and recognition,noting that the changes in the terms of reference and the proposed review will assist in this regard; (4) Evidence of real progress from the implementation of a joint strategy in hydrometeorology that cuts across relevant programmes of this and other Commissions; (5) Implementation of a comprehensive initiative in air quality involving all programme areas of the Commission (6) Evidence of progress in strengthening the governance arrangements of the Commission, particularly in relation to broader participation and gender equity and the preparation of plans that include expected results and performance indicators for consideration at the next session. CAS MG Pres. CAS: The CAS President is of the opinion that all six goals have either shown significant progress, or have been achieved. AD: In 2007 the YOTC Science Plan was completed followed by a comprehensive Implementation Plan. A YOTC Project Office is in place under the auspices of the US THORPEX Executive Committee and a website provides access to all YOTC documents, meetings and future plans. The programme has been widely publicized at international conferences and the AGU. A highly successful First Science Symposium was organized in Beijing in May 2011 and kindly hosted by CMA and the Chinese Academy of Science. YOTC data includes global NWP fields from ECMWF, NASA and NOAA at high resolution. The data are available to the international research community via NCAR and ECMWF. The NASA GIOVANNI satellite system has been extended to support YOTC. The Cloud-Sat and A-Train data sets are now available to the community through GIOVANNI. The YOTC “year” runs from May 2008 until April 2010 includes El Nino, La Nina and Arctic Oscillation conditions giving unique information on climate variability. There is a wide range of on-going collaborative work. This includes multi-model transpose-AMIP experiments, global cloud- system resolving experiments, tropical intra-seasonal multi-model 20year hindcast experiments with additional output and analysis focused on the YOTC period, extension of the GEWEX Cloud System Study (GCSS) for the June–August 2008 period and tropical-extra-tropical interaction studies. In the context of results based management, YOTC has set up a Task Force to study the MJO. Four sub-projects are being implemented. These are related to diabatic processes, boreal summer forecasting metrics, process oriented MJO diagnostics and metrics to aid model development.
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