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Presentation on theme: "Slide number 1 REVIEW OF NURSING IN THE COMMUNITY PROGRAMME BOARDPLANNING EVENT WELCOME."— Presentation transcript:


2 slide number 2 Personal Introductions Name Role Why You Are Here Expectations from This Event

3 slide number 3 Supporting The Programme Implementing Change Kevin Martin Eugenio Grandi

4 slide number 4 Main Aims 1.To describe Quarto’s experience and approach to supporting clients in change projects 2.To clarify Quarto’s role in supporting the Nursing In The Community Programme from both a National and Development Site perspective 3.To overview our approach to this project and way forward

5 slide number 5 Agenda 1.Brief Introduction To Quarto 2.Some Programme Specific Challenges 3.Proposed Support Process 4.The Way Forward

6 slide number 6 Brief Introduction To Quarto 1

7 slide number 7 Brief Introduction To Quarto Working internationally with clients and change since 1985 Experience of major change projects in a number of sectors Experienced Team who have worked with us for many years Developed our own Intellectual Property and “shared language” for change Work at all levels of the organisation to achieve change Proven track record

8 slide number 8 Philosophical Underpinning Whilst change programmes may be strategised at senior executive levels, they are implemented by staff operating at the interface with “customers and clients” Change, in order to be successful relies on clarity of vision, effective communication and clear leadership Consistent outcomes rely on an effective set of shared values and behaviours which are accepted and implemented right across the programme Staff need to be able to deliver the required behaviours. This requires competency development to support the change process

9 slide number 9 From Agreement To Success 1.Understanding – understanding and accepting the reasons for the change 2.Skill – the ability and competence to deliver the required behaviours 3.Attitude – the desire to personally commit to the changes being sought

10 slide number 10 Three Domains to Change Emotions “How People feel about it” People and Change Process “How will it be done” The Change Process “What needs to be done” Content Vision and Strategy A B

11 slide number 11 People and Change Shock Denial Resentment Testing Acceptance Desire Vision Commitment

12 slide number 12 People and Change – The Transition Grid The Past The Future

13 slide number 13 And finally … 1.Modelling the Change 2.Communicating the Change 3.Involving Others in the Change Process 4.Helping Others Break From the Past 5.Creating a Supportive Environment in which to Learn Five Keys to Success

14 slide number 14 Omissions and Implications Model the Change Model the Change Commun- icate the Change Commun- icate the Change Involve Others in Change Involve Others in Change Help Break from Past Help Break from Past Create Supportive Environm’t Create Supportive Environm’t ++++= Cynicism and mistrust = Confusion, frustration, no commitment Model the Change Model the Change Commun- icate the Change Commun- icate the Change Involve Others in Change Involve Others in Change Help Break from Past Help Break from Past Create Supportive Environm’t Create Supportive Environm’t ++++ = Felt imposition, pushback and resistance Model the Change Model the Change Commun- icate the Change Commun- icate the Change Involve Others in Change Involve Others in Change Help Break from Past Help Break from Past Create Supportive Environm’t Create Supportive Environm’t ++++ = Superficial, cosmetic and transient change Model the Change Model the Change Commun- icate the Change Commun- icate the Change Involve Others in Change Involve Others in Change Help Break from Past Help Break from Past Create Supportive Environm’t Create Supportive Environm’t ++++ = Repeated mistakes and slow learning Model the Change Model the Change Commun- icate the Change Commun- icate the Change Involve Others in Change Involve Others in Change Help Break from Past Help Break from Past Create Supportive Environm’t Create Supportive Environm’t ++++

15 slide number 15 Some Programme-Specific Challenges 2

16 slide number 16 Some Programme Specific Challenges Resistance to change from staff Committed involvement of Stakeholder Groups Clarity of vision and consistency of leadership right across the programme Consistent programme-wide values and behaviours, at all levels Firm engagement of the minds and hearts of all staff Effective skill development to enable individuals to deliver the values and behaviours

17 slide number 17 Examples Of Required Competencies Ability to work collaboratively Ability to encourage team working within disparate groups Ability to build effective relationships Be able to understand peoples’ perspectives and views Be able to influence individuals and groups Be able to reach lasting agreements Change management and leadership skills

18 slide number 18 Proposed Support Process 3

19 slide number 19

20 slide number 20 Support Process Development Site dedicated Quarto support team Development Site dedicated Quarto support team Development Site dedicated Quarto support team Development Site dedicated Quarto support team dedicated Quarto support team National Programme Team

21 slide number 21 At National Programme Level Provide support in the development and implementation of the change project plan Provide change coordination and harmonisation role Provide feedback on Development Site progress Support National team in the development of change and leadership skills and competencies Ensure the effective sharing of best practice and embedding of lessons learned across the programme

22 slide number 22 At Development Site Level Provide Development Site-focused support in the development and implementation of the “local” change project plan Work “locally” to support the change project manger to secure the involvement of all staff and to generate commitment to the vision, values and behaviours required for success Provide change coordination and harmonisation role between the Development Site the other Sites and the National programme Team Provide “local” skill and leadership development support as required

23 slide number 23 The Way Forward 4

24 slide number 24

25 slide number 25 Support Process Development Site dedicated Quarto support team Development Site dedicated Quarto support team Development Site dedicated Quarto support team Development Site dedicated Quarto support team dedicated Quarto support team National Programme Team

26 slide number 26 The Way Forward In Two Phases Phase 1 – Diagnostic project to understand the current levels of understanding, skill and attitudinal disposition towards the proposed changes at national level and in the four Development Sites and other key Stakeholder Groups Report on these as input to the change planning process Phase 2 – Begin working with the National Team and Sites against a clearly articulated and agreed programme change plan

27 slide number 27 Supporting The Programme Implementing Change Kevin Martin Eugenio Grandi

28 slide number 28 Hilltops – Our Unique Perspective Perception How we perceive the world Behaviour How we Behave in the world Life Experience Drives, Values and Beliefs

29 slide number 29 Group Hilltops

30 slide number 30 Well, its always worked for me in the past…

31 slide number 31 Implementation Challenges Senior Management Middle Management Operational Groups

32 slide number 32 Implementation Process Align the Leadership team Engage Middle Management Install The Change Leadership Team Workshops Management Workshops Training and Development Communication Events Training and Development


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