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International projects (Strands 1.1, 1.2.1 and 1.3.5) Jolien Willemsens, EACEA.

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Presentation on theme: "International projects (Strands 1.1, 1.2.1 and 1.3.5) Jolien Willemsens, EACEA."— Presentation transcript:

1 International projects (Strands 1.1, 1.2.1 and 1.3.5) Jolien Willemsens, EACEA

2 Culture Programme: objectives  Transnational mobility of cultural players  Transnational circulation of artistic works and products  Promotion of intercultural dialogue

3 Structure of the Culture Programme EACEA European Commission Support to cooperation projects Support to literary translations Support to cultural organisations European Capitals of Culture EU cultural prizes Studies Promotion of results Culture Contact Points

4 Culture Programme: budget € 400 million over 7 years (2007-2013) +/- 50 million € for 2011

5 Culture Programme: Geographical range 2011 : 36 participating countries  27 member states  3 EEA countries (Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway)  6 others: Croatia, FYROM, Turkey, Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia- Herzegovina  Negotiations ongoing with Albania

6 Culture Programme: sectors  Cultural Heritage  Visual Arts  Performing arts  Design and applied arts  Architecture, Literature Books and reading  Multimedia and new technologies  Interdisciplinary projects Exception: Support to cultural organisations (Networks) Non eligible!!! Cinema and audiovisual sector

7 Culture Programme: types of organisations  Public or private  Legally registered in one of the participating countries  Main activity in the cultural sphere  Non-profit or acting in a non-profit making cultural capacity Examples: Art gallery, orchestra, dance-theatre company, foundation, cultural association, university, municipality, …

8 Culture Programme: what kind of support? Strand 2  Ambassadors  Networks  Platforms Strand 1  Multi-annual cooperation projects  Cooperation projects  Support to literary translations  Third countries projects  Festivals

9 Culture Programme: facts and figures Strands 1 & 2: An average of 800 applications per year An average of 260 selected applications (~ 32,5 %) Representing around € 49 million Competitive procedure = selecting the best applications in order to better achieve the objectives of the Culture Programme

10 Cooperation project: what is it?  Cultural project  Cooperation between organisations from the participating countries  Common objectives beyond frontiers

11 Culture Programme: when to apply?  1.1 and 1.2.1: Deadline for 2012 projects: 5 October 2011  Project start date: as of 1 May 2012  1.3.5: Deadline for 2012 projects: 3 May 2012  Project start date: as of 1 November 2012

12 Cooperation projects: what types of support?  Multi annual cooperation projects (Strand 1.1)  Cooperation projects (Strand 1.2.1)  Cultural cooperation projects with and in third countries (Strand 1.3.5) Differences: - number of participating countries - duration - amount of grant requested

13 Cooperation projects: main points Multi annual projects Strand 1.1 Cooperation Projects Strand 1.2.1  Min. 6 partners  Duration: 3 - 5 years  Amount: 200.000€ to 500.000€ per year  Min. 3 partners  Duration: up to 24 months  Amount: € 50.000 to € 200.000 50% of total eligible costs

14 Cooperation projects: main points Cooperation projects with third countries Strand 1.3.5  Min. 3 partners from countries participating in the Culture Programme + min. 1 partner from a third country selected by the Commission (2011: Mexico; 2012: Republic of South Afrika, 2013: Canada and Australia)  Duration: up to 24 months  Amount: 50.000€ to 200.000€  Min. 50% of activities in selected third country 50% of total eligible costs

15 Cooperation projects: facts and figures Multi annual projects Strand 1.1 Cooperation Projects Strand 1.2.1 19 million € for 2011 61applications received 10 selected projects 18 million € for 2011 280 applications received 103 selected projects

16 Cooperation projects: facts and figures Cooperation projects with third countries Strand 1.3.5 1.5 million € for 2011 58 applications received ?? selected projects (process ongoing)

17 Operating grants: what is it? Support to the permanent work programme of organisations active in a cultural field During a particular financial year Examples: European dance company European artist’s network Cultural observatories

18 Operating grants: different categories Strand 2  Networks  Ambassadors  Platforms

19 Operating grants: which grant amounts ? CategoryMax. amount Ambassadors600.000 € Networks + Platforms120.000 € Max. 80% of eligible costs covered

20 Literary translation projects: what is it?  Support to translations of fiction from one European language to another  Targeting publishing houses  Lasting maximum 24 months  Submission deadline: 3rd February

21 Festivals: what is it?  Support to European Cultural Festivals  For one or three editions of the festival  Maximum amount of support = 100.000€ for one edition, equal to maximum 60% of the eligible costs New action: Strand 1.3.6

22 Cooperation projects : where to find information  Programme Guide  Applicants Guide for cooperation projects  Cultural Contact Points  Mailboxes: Strand 1.1: Strand 1.2.1: Strand 1.3.5: Check also the lists of selected projects of the previous years

23 Culture Programme 2007-2013 Thank you for your attention!

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