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Nixon’s War: Vietnamization Thinking Skill: Explicitly assess the success of the Vietnamization strategy and draw conclusions as to consequences.

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Presentation on theme: "Nixon’s War: Vietnamization Thinking Skill: Explicitly assess the success of the Vietnamization strategy and draw conclusions as to consequences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nixon’s War: Vietnamization Thinking Skill: Explicitly assess the success of the Vietnamization strategy and draw conclusions as to consequences

2 Seeks “Peace with Honor” in exiting Vietnam… Nixon narrowly wins 1968 election, hails “Silent Majority” …the un-poor, un-black, un-young


4 Secret war expands to Cambodia… April 1970 ground invasion of Cambodia “Root out” NVA Destabilization allowed for communist Khmer Rouge takeover.

5 Bombing in Cambodia

6 Kent State May 4 th 1970 4 killed, 11 wounded by National Guard troops Ohio by Neil Young “Tin Soldiers and Nixon coming, We’re finally on our own. This summer I hear the drumming, Four dead in Ohio…”

7 May 4 th, 1970: Kent State University

8 My Lai Massacre March 16, 1968 (published Nov. 1969; details uncovered in 1971)March 16, 1968 (published Nov. 1969; details uncovered in 1971) Lt. William Calley led mass killing of Vietnamese civiliansLt. William Calley led mass killing of Vietnamese civilians 350 mostly women, children, elderly men350 mostly women, children, elderly men Convicted & sentenced to life in prisonConvicted & sentenced to life in prison Sentence commuted by President Nixon in 1974Sentence commuted by President Nixon in 1974

9 The NY Times Pentagon Papers revealed secret invasion of Cambodia …Protesters horrified; Vietnamization emerged as official U.S. policy

10 US troops begin to pull out of Vietnam… January 1973 Paris Peace Accords…


12 On January 27, 1973 the Paris Peace accords were signed North Vietnamese forces invaded Saigon on April 29, 1975. The Vietnam War was over; will the dominoes begin to fall?

13 Tensions surrounded Vietnam Veterans through 1980s…

14 Maya Lin Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial Wall Nov. 1982


16 For Discussion… Examine the political cartoon titled “Who Lost Vietnam?” on page 871 of your reading packet. What is the message? Do you agree? Did the US lose the Vietnam War? Why/why not?

17 Other notable movements that emerged in the late 1960s…

18 Black Power at the Olympics



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