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How to Conduct Internet Research

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1 How to Conduct Internet Research

2 Research Topics The life of Charles Dickens Life in the Victorian Age British Prisons in the 1800’s Child labor during the Victorian Age Christmas Traditions during the Victorian Age Dickens’ impact on Christmas London in the 1800’s Dickens’ literary works

3 Search Engines Search Engines look through their databases for “key words” Every word you enter is a “key word” If you find too many results – add more specific key words If you find too few results – take out key words and make your topic more broad

4 Choosing a Good Website Read the “blurbs” listed with the websites in order to help find the “best” sites Look on the site to see WHO made the site – are they qualified? Look on the site to see WHEN a site was made – is it recent? Look on the site to see HOW MUCH information it gives – is it enough?

5 Watch out for Misinformation! Remember to question what you read – not all sites on the internet are good or true Remember sites are generally better sites Example ds/eagle.asp

6 What is Plagiarism? Plagiarism is passing off someone else’s words as your own. You CANNOT copy and paste from the internet – all information must be put in your own words onto your paper, or if you quote it be sure to be it in quotation marks. Example: George Washington Using this resource, what SHOULD you write down? Don’t write sentences, just take notes

7 Record Your Sources People want to know where you found your information. Write down each website’s address you visit and the date you visit it. Dec 3, 2011 You will need this information in order to create a bibliography or list of the sources you use.


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