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Plagiarism Pitfalls How to conduct research & produce correctly cited works.

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Presentation on theme: "Plagiarism Pitfalls How to conduct research & produce correctly cited works."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plagiarism Pitfalls How to conduct research & produce correctly cited works

2 What is Plagiarism? When someone uses another person’s words & ideas, and forgets to say who or where the info came from Sometimes it’s accidental Sometimes, it’s not

3 What Plagiarism looks like 1.Exact word–for-word copying (copy & paste) 2.Footnote instead of quotation marks 3.Paraphrasing an idea, without citing 4.A collection of others’ ideas, restated w/o citation 5.Using distinct phrases, without citing

4 Print resources, record Title, Author, & page Gathering data & taking notes Web resources, record URL Record exact sentences if you think you may quote a source. Otherwise bookmark sites or pages and write the general idea. You need a minimum of the following on each notecard

5 Where to get Print Citation data

6 Getting Online Citation data Use short cut tools to know what data is required Choose reputable sites which don’t hide data (read URL extensions for better research sites Ignore banners and advertisements Data will be found in the header or the footer of the webpage or document

7 Skim and Focus


9 Ready to try this on your own?

10 Use 2010 Word Open a new Word document Put your name and class in the upper right corner Type in the following: Will Smith acted in one movie this year: Men in Black 3 Open the site and search Will Select the References tab on Word, MLA style 6 Insert a citation > choose add new source> choose document from web source Fill in the data fields and submit

11 Time to cite a print source Continue typing: Nickson felt Will Smith was a good rapper, but an even better actor. Insert another citation, but this time – book format.

12 Create the Works Cited Now for the big finale, Select Bibliography From the dropdown menu choose Works Cited Click on it You have a properly formatted, alphabetical Bibliography Page

13 To refer back to these lessons (includes the proper method for using the Word 2012 short cut) & To view Real-Life Plagiarism pitfalls & To see a video on the rights individuals have to protect their words, ideas, and works see the LMC wiki @ …

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