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Knowledge.NET Ontology-based Knowledge Management Toolkit for Microsoft.NET Project Participants Anton Novikov Maxim Sigalin Alexey Smolyakov Dmitry Cherepanov.

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Presentation on theme: "Knowledge.NET Ontology-based Knowledge Management Toolkit for Microsoft.NET Project Participants Anton Novikov Maxim Sigalin Alexey Smolyakov Dmitry Cherepanov."— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowledge.NET Ontology-based Knowledge Management Toolkit for Microsoft.NET Project Participants Anton Novikov Maxim Sigalin Alexey Smolyakov Dmitry Cherepanov Saint Petersburg State University Presenter Anton Novikov Scientific Advisor Vladimir Safonov, professor of computer science

2 Overview Procedural knowledge Conceptual knowledge Factual knowledge Heuristic knowledge

3 Advantages of Knowledge.NET Hybrid knowledge Integration to MS Visual Studio.NET 2005 (add-in) Usage of C# as a base language Toolkit for knowledge engineering for Microsoft.NET 2.0 platform

4 Components of Knowledge.NET Knowledge.NET language (based on С#) Knowledge Editor Converter to KIF Format Knowledge Prospector Subsystem

5 Knowledge.NET Language Ontologies Rulesets Integration with native C# code Forward-chaining and backward-chaining Subsystem Query Language

6 Example of Program using System; // C# native code namespace HelloWorld { class Hello { [STAThread] static void Main(string[] args) { Console.out.WriteLine (“Vehicle: ” + Lada.HasName); } } } // Knowledge.NET specific code #ontology “Vehicles” #concepts Color is_subconcept_of Thing; Vehicle { is_subconcept_of Thing; some_values_from HasName string; cardinality HasName 1; } Plane is_subconcept_of Vehicle; Submarine is_subconcept_of Vehicle; disjoint Plane, Submarine; disjoint Color, Vehicle; #properties object property HasColor { domain Vehicle; range Color; } functional datatype property HasName { domain Vehicle; range string; } #individuals individual Lada { is_a Vehicle; HasName = “Lada”; } #end_of_ontology “Vehicles”

7 Example of Query individuals of Automobile where (Color contains Red) or (HasMaxSpeed > 100 and HasMaxSpeed <= 250)

8 Features Converter is written on CoCo/R http://www.ssw.uni- http://www.ssw.uni- KnowledgeLibrary  Including forward and backward chaining alorithms

9 Knowledge Editor

10 Project Type: Knowledge

11 Features Special type of the project is supported Graphical representation of knowledge base. Navigation through knowledges

12 KIF Converter Parses the program on Knowledge.NET and creates internal representation in Ontolingua format Ontolingua extends KIF format by additional capabilities for representation of frames/ontologies

13 Ontolingua

14 Knowledge Prospector Extracts knowledge from texts written on natural languages Extracts knowledge from the Internet.

15 Basic Idea of Algorithm Morphological text analyze Semantical text analyze Graph analyze Save results in Knowledge.NET format

16 Technologies Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Add-ins for Visual Studio The Compiler Generator Coco/R Ontolingua language

17 Status of the Project, Plans We are developing prototype. Integration with Aspect.NET is planned Information of the project is located on web-site: http://www.knowledge-net.ru


19 ? Contact Information:

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