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Supporting Students Counselling and Wellbeing at Glyndŵr University Gail Ashton Counsellor MA MBACP Accredited 17 th November 2009.

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2 Supporting Students Counselling and Wellbeing at Glyndŵr University Gail Ashton Counsellor MA MBACP Accredited 17 th November 2009

3 Aims of Presentation: Sharing counselling data collected between 2008/9 from Glyndŵr University Counselling and Wellbeing Service. To identify the issues which students present with. Understand the level and severity of distress which students present with.

4 Some common assumptions Why do students come for counselling?

5 Is it because they are stressed and struggling with their academic work? Is it because they do not like their course? Is it because they already had mental health problems when they came to University? Is it because they are using drugs or alcohol? Are they homesick?

6 Students Life is like juggling At a time of: Transition Change Challenge Academic Well-being Social life Health Relationships Welfare/Finance Life experiences

7 Penny Prior to starting counselling, I had little hope that the counselling service would be of benefit to me. As someone, not open about my problems and who disliked engaging in them, I had little faith that talking to someone, particularly someone I didnt know, was going to work.

8 Penny However, counselling has been a really positive experience for me, and looking back, I am very doubtful that Id still be here, studying for my final year now, without the support that I got from my counsellor.

9 Penny The main thing that counselling really gave me was a voice, in a relationship that over time I learnt to trust. What I really appreciated from my counsellor was being able to talk about my problems and never feel judged or shamed.

10 Penny I feel that in particular it helped me in the process of beginning to learn to take more care of myself, and feel more self worth. Counselling has helped me to get my life, and essentially my career back. Not only has the work between my counsellor and I, helped me through difficult times, but it will also be something I will carry forward in life with me. I cannot be more thankful

11 In my early professionals years I was asking the question: How can I treat, or cure, or change this person? Now I would phrase the question in this way: How can I provide a relationship which this person may use for his own personal growth? Carl Rogers

12 Dependence versus autonomy Wanting to be able to cope independently Feeling it is a sign of failure if they need help Fear of stigma Confidentiality Often leaving it until it is a crisis

13 Student experience I wish I had found and got the help earlier. It has been so helpful and made me understand myself and circumstances better – and helped me to cope. 55 year old

14 CORE CORE Data Collection Clinical Outcomes for Routine Evaluation The CORE Outcome Measure (CORE-OM) is a 34-item questionnaire designed to measure clients' global distress: FUNCTIONING, WELL-BEING, PROBLEMS and RISK.

15 Why do students at Glyndŵr University come for counselling? 2008/9 Data will include: The age or life experience of the student The subjects they are studying The issues students present with and some of the issues which emerge during counselling/therapy.

16 77% are mature students (over 21) 49% have declared a disability of which 29% dyslexia 69% are female 31% are male

17 Total Percentage of Clients 2008/9 by School

18 Presenting Issues of Clients 2008/9

19 Some of the most common emerging Issues of Clients 2008/9 Stress/Anxiety/from mild to severe Bereavement Self-esteem Depression/low mood Relationship with partner/others Academic difficulties including dyslexia/disability Trauma/abuse/bullying/sexual abuse Loss, separation, divorce Addictive behaviours

20 Student Depression 1 in 4 students experience depression. At Glyndwr University 16% of those students coming to counselling presented with Depression.

21 Risk Assessment

22 Clinical Outcomes – Pre Post 86% Glyndŵr University students are above clinical cut-off when registering for Counselling Of those who are in the Clinical Population, and who complete the final CORE form, 85% show improvement /clinical and reliable change at the end of counselling (against national average of 70% improvement) The remainder make no clinical change. No clients deteriorate.

23 What does the counselling and Wellbeing Service offer? Counselling (up to 6 - 12 sessions) Web site Calm You Anxiety, stress, insomnia and depression Relaxation Programme Talks and induction sessions

24 Counselling and Wellbeing Service Supporting and enabling students to fulfil their potential. I never loved another person the way I love myself. Mae West The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change. Carl Rogers

25 Student experience Counselling helped me with my problems and made me remain at Uni to finish my final year of my degree. I feel it has helped me to sort out the past which I have never done before. 35 year old

26 And finally Student experience It is hard to speak to anyone about really personal thoughts and feelings and my counsellor made it easy. I had doubts about how it would work or if it would work, but after five sessions I would say I have a better feeling and thoughts towards myself and my problems. 21 year old


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