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Development of integrated services in Leicester City School and Community Mental Health Service.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of integrated services in Leicester City School and Community Mental Health Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of integrated services in Leicester City School and Community Mental Health Service

2 Outline Tell the story of Child Behaviour Intervention Initiative How and why of CBII Recent developments TaMHS, CAMHS Review (NAC) Future plans Threads running through these developments

3 Purpose To bring together the common agendas of Education, Social Services, Health and the Voluntary Agencies for children in Leicester.

4 4 underpinning elements 1.A recognition that Education, achievement and reducing health inequalities are fundamental to improving life chances. 2.A commitment to life long learning to improve skills and confidence of parents 3.A shared new vision of mental health 4.A commitment to improved access to community based support

5 Aim development

6 Stages Pilot Stage 1999-2002 Careful evaluation: Psychologist/evaluators University of Leicester DeMontfort University 3 city areas – CAMHS waiting lists, Child protection registrations, SEN nos. 0 – 11 years Pilot results influenced national DfES design for BESTs City-wide roll out Across all city Across ages (0-16) Increased staffing Continual monitoring and evaluation

7 CBII AIMS 1.To promote the life chances of children 2.To provide locally based support 3.To encourage a wider ownership of mental health 4.To ensure access to support for children and families 5.To engage coherently with voluntary agencies 6.To ensure issues affecting black and minority ethnic individuals are explicitly addressed.

8 Governance and management Three levels 1.Daily management 2.Management group 3.Steering group Linked to each other and parent agencies.

9 Governance and management Management group (Responsible for the business plan) Steering group Joint CAMHS Steering group Parent agency Line management PMHW FSW EPs Vol. Sector Ethics group

10 Cross agency staffing City Psychology Service Staff (Education) Family Support Staff (Social Service) Primary Mental Health Workers (CAMHS)

11 An illustration of CBII in action Over 5,000 children have received direct individual/group support (Aim 1) 60% Parents/carers reported improvement in family relations (Aim 2) Over 2,000 staff in city agencies received direct input/training (Aim 3) CAMHS waiting list reduced (Aim 4) Voluntary sector rep involved in development of business plan (Aim 5) All referrals are monitored for ethnicity. (Aim 6)

12 CBII impact Users: Direct access to CBII Fast response Targeted support Providers: New initiative Engages all services Dual location Planners: Brought together a wider ownership of service provision for childrens emotional well- being

13 Challenges and opportunities Better understanding of each others services Development of a shared understanding of language BEST development Greater joint working through Childrens Centres, Integrated Service Hubs (ISH) CAF

14 Targeted Mental Health in Schools Additional funding Leicester Phase 1 pathfinder New multi agency team CBII and TaMHS managed in Ed. Psychology Service PEP joint responsibility for CAMHS in LA Now developing a School and Community Mental health Team

15 TaMHS Aimed to link tier ½ to tier 2/3 Specialist support Training and advice Staff support Whole school mental health support

16 School and Community Mental Health Service Adopt recommendations of CAMHS review Develop more integrated 0-19 services Better linkages with specialist CAMHS CYPS developments supported.

17 Lessons Holistic is better – may be more difficult! Planning is essential Agreement prior to development Involve all (including voluntary) Keep child at centre.

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