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The Vietnam Era Chapter 30 Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "The Vietnam Era Chapter 30 Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Vietnam Era Chapter 30 Vocabulary

2 Guerrilla warfare Fighting by small bands using tactics such as sudden ambush

3 Tunnel used by the Vietcong.

4 Flexible response Special military units trained to fight guerrilla wars and ready to fight anywhere in the world

5 Executive Order A rule issued by the chief executive (president)

6 Exiles Persons forced from their home

7 Blockade To close off

8 Hot line A direct telephone link between Moscow and Washington, D.C. to allow the leaders to communicate instantly in times of crisis

9 Vietcong Communist supporters of Ho Chi Minh who remained in South Vietnam. They organized themselves into the National Liberation Front, but were better known to Americans as the Vietcong.

10 Coup To overthrow the government

11 Escalate Gradually increase

12 Search-and-destroy mission
American forces began to seek out Vietcong or North Vietnamese units and destroy them.

13 An infantryman is lowered into a tunnel by members of the reconnaissance platoon.

14 Counterculture A movement that rejected traditional American values (torn blue jeans and long hair for males – aroused opposition from parents)

15 Deferment Being excused from the draft

16 Dove Opponents of the Vietnam War

17 Hawk Supporters of the Vietnam War

18 Credibility gap When fewer people trust what you have to say than before.

19 Silent majority The nonshouters and nondemonstrators that Nixon appealed to during his 1968 campaign.

20 Vietnamization The army of South Vietnam to take a more active role in fighting the war and for Americans to become less involved.

21 Martial law Emergency military rule

22 MIAs Missing In Action

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