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By : Cleveland Sellers Narragansett RULES!!!!!. INTRODUCTION My name is Hania Hania means spirit warrior I am part of the Narragansett tribe Here is my.

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Presentation on theme: "By : Cleveland Sellers Narragansett RULES!!!!!. INTRODUCTION My name is Hania Hania means spirit warrior I am part of the Narragansett tribe Here is my."— Presentation transcript:

1 By : Cleveland Sellers Narragansett RULES!!!!!

2 INTRODUCTION My name is Hania Hania means spirit warrior I am part of the Narragansett tribe Here is my story…

3 Clothes and Stories I hate my clothes. Wearing these stupid breechcloth pants make my butt look big. Why do you even have to bother with clothes, while your putting them on your wasting playing time? The men in our tribe wear breechcloth and leggings, and women wear knee length skirts. We don’t wear shirts but we wear deer skin mantles(an outer cloak used for extra clothing or warmth) in cold weather. We also wear headbands with a couple of feathers. Some men wear a Mohawk-like hairstyle, and women were their hair down. Our clothes usually come from animal skins that the women sew together. I love stories, they are an important part in Narragansett culture. My favorite is the Rabbit and the Snow. Most stories and my tribe have morals.

4 Let’s Eat Today we are having a feasts with corn, squash, beans, nuts, and fruit. This is all prepared by the women. The men hunt deer turkeys and small game for us to eat. Today we are even going fishing. I help prepare cornbread, soup, and different stews. The feast has finally begun, and it tastes delicious. I think there is enough to go around. Wait… there's a baby named Jalen who’s eating all the food. He’s even asking for other people’s! That baby sure can eat.

5 My Home I’m visiting my home. We live in wigwams right now, which are small round houses. Some Narragansett families have two houses. The wigwam is used for the summer and is built near the shore, with bark on the outside and woven mats on the inside. A longhouse is used in the winter; it can hold up to 20 families.

6 All About the Kids At home we play games, go to school, and help around the house(which is the worst). Men in our tribe hunt deer and turkey with arrows. They also go to war to keep our tribe protected. I don’t go to war I just sit at home and hope my dad dosen’t die The women in our tribe cook, farm, and took care of us, the children. You know, I really appreciate this, these people busting there but to keep mine clean, that really says something.

7 Geography T he land is our playground homes. Whenever we get to run around we discover new things. Once we found a whole area full of fox eggs(of course we can’t go there anymore). The southern and eastern part of our playground is flat with gently rolling hills. The northern and western parts of our playground rise up through the woodlands.

8 We love animals in the Narragansett tribe, and some common animals you might see are rabbits, woodchucks, raccoons, skunks, red and gray squirrels, minks, and foxes. Some common flowers are Yarrows, White Baneberries, Red Baneberries, and Canadian Serviceberries.

9 Weather In my tribe we have a cold climate and lots of rain. Rain isn’t fun, we can’t play outside and sometimes the plants get too much water. Each month we have about four inches of rain.

10 Re-Re-Reflection 1 40 years later My tribes doing alright but not great, we are slaves and we don’t get paid at all. Some of the people we work for are nice but most of them are mean. The little ones and the old ones get whipped a lot, the little ones can’t lift heavy things and the older ones just doze off. I’ve never been whipped but I know it hurts. I just want to die.

11 Re-Re-Reflection 2 I think I did well on this project and probably got an A. Some things I’ve learned, about are wigwams, Narragansett culture, and their food. I didn’t like the assignment at all but the part I hated the most was when you corrected everything. If I did this project again I would have started earlier.

12 Bibliography Laura, Redish. "Narragansett Indian Fact Sheet." N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Oct 2013. "hikinglocations." Brave River Soulutions, n.d. Web. 29 Oct 2013. "Rhode Island Reccomendedd." N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Oct 2013.

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