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2014 CLARIN Annual Conference Jan Odijk, Chair 2014 CAC Program Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "2014 CLARIN Annual Conference Jan Odijk, Chair 2014 CAC Program Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 CLARIN Annual Conference Jan Odijk, Chair 2014 CAC Program Committee

2 Content  Call for Contributions  Review Procedure & Results  Some Statistics  Invitation (1)  Invitation (2)

3 CLARIN Annual Conference  In the Past:  Contribution by invitation only  This year  Open Call for contributions  Review of the contributions

4 Call for Contributions  Light procedure  Based on TIN and CLIN in the Netherlands/FlandersTINCLIN  Programme Committee (PC) has been set up  = National Coordinators’ Forum  Chair = Jan Odijk  Open Call for Contributions Open Call for Contributions  On the basis of an extended abstract (2-4 pages)  Criteria for evaluation have been defined, inter alia  First author must work in a CLARIN member `country’  Contribution must pertain to the CLARIN infrastructure (e.g. use, design, construction, operation, etc.)  Contributions: Oral presentations, Posters, Demo’s

5 Review Procedure & Results  Reviewing by 2 PC members  Discussed in PC meeting  Without members that have a conflict of interest  #Submissions: 34  #Accepted:29  Oral presentations:13  Posters:16  Demo’s  As part of a poster  Related to oral presentations: in the poster sessions (7)  Additional posters by `new’ or `almost’ CLARIN-members (3):  Sweden, Finland, Slovenia

6 By Country of First Author Country of First author Row LabelsCount of ID accept29 AT1 CZ4 DE9 DK3 EE1 NL8 NO1 PL2 Grand Total29

7 By Topic JO Topic 1 Row Labels Count of ID accept29 construction8 data4 interoperability1 knowledge infrastructure2 metadata2 operation1 policy1 services2 tool3 tool, use1 use4 Grand Total29

8 By Scientific Discipline Scientific Discipline Row Labels Count of ID accept29 Generic16 History1 Linguistics2 Linguistics/corpus linguistics2 Linguistics/discourse2 Linguistics/language variation1 Linguistics/syntax2 Philology1 Political Science /Media Studies1 Speech Recognition1 Grand Total29

9 Invitation  The Programme Committee invites all authors of accepted presentation, posters and demo’s to submit a full paper for (digital) publication  This full paper will be reviewed  Details will be announced shortly after the conference

10 Invited Talk By Jan Rybicki (Jagiellonian University) Visualizing Literature: Trees, maps and Networks

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