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Introduction to Finite Automata
Fundamentals Deterministic finite automata Representations of automata Definition of a language Proof of language content
Review: What is the difference between S not equal to T and S T = null? Recursive definitions use that thing being defined as part of the definition. Example: recursive definition of a tree Basis: single node is a tree IH: assume that T1 … Tk are trees Induction: connect T1 … Tk to the node that is the root of the recursively defined tree
Review: FA Recognizing Strings Ending in “ing”
We can get the next character in any state Where we go depends on which character empty Saw i i Not i Saw ing g Not i or g Saw in n Not i or n Start Double circle denotes “finish” or “accepting” state What is wrong with this FA?
Rules for deterministic finite automata
Ready Sending data in done timeout Start Finite automata move from state to state in response to input controls Deterministic finite automata (DFA) are always in a unique state Each input determines one and only one state to which the automaton will transition from its current state
Review: FA Recognizing Strings Ending in “ing”
Does this example obey the rules? empty Saw i i Not i Saw ing g Not i or g Saw in n Not i or n Start Any letter How many string ending in “ing” will this FA find in the input?
Review: FA Recognizing Strings Ending in “ing”
How do I change this FA so that it only accepts input string ending in “ing” empty Saw i i Not i Saw ing g Not i or g Saw in n Not i or n Start Any letter
Central concepts of automata theory
Alphabets: sets of symbols Strings: lists of symbols from an alphabet Languages: sets of string from the same alphabet
Alphabets Any finite set of symbols Usually denoted by S Examples:
S=set of all ASCII characters S={0,1} binary alphabet S={a,b,…,z} lower case letters
Sets of Strings A set of strings over alphabet Σ is a set of lists, each element of which is a member of Σ e denotes the empty string (length=0) Σ* denotes the set of all strings over S {0,1}*={ε,0,1,00,01,10,11,000,…} Sk denotes strings of length k over a specified alphabet S0={e} for any alphabet S+ denotes non-empty strings
More about Strings S* = S0 S1 S2 …
S and S1 give different meaning to the same entity S denotes an alphabet S1 denotes strings of unit length over alphabet If x and y are strings, then xy is a string formed by their concatenation
Languages A language is a subset of strings for some alphabet
L=Σ* language of all strings from S L can be empty L={e} is not empty. It contains the empty string See text p31 for examples from binary alphabet
Using DFAs to define languages
Elements in the formalism for defining languages: A finite set of states (Q, typically). An input alphabet (Σ, typically). A transition function (δ, typically). A start state in Q (q0, typically). A set of final states ⊆ Q (F, typically). “Final” and “accepting” are synonyms. Language A=(Q,S,d,q0,F) is a “five tuple”
The Transition Function
Takes two arguments: a state and an input symbol. δ(q, a) = the state that the DFA goes to when it is in state q and input a is received. In graph representation δ(q, a) = p is shown by arc from state q to state p labeled by a
The set of strings “accepted” by A=(Q,S,d,q0,F) its language
How do we determine if A=(Q,S,d,q0,F) accepts a string? Let a1,a2,…an denote a finite string Locate q0 in A using “start” Find states q1,q2,…qn such that d(qi-1,ai)=qi If qn F then string accepted, otherwise string is rejected
DFA that accepts all strings without two consecutive 1’s
L=({A,B,C}, {0,1}, d, A, {A,B}) Start 1 A C B 0,1 3 possible terminations Consecutive 1’s have been seen. No 11’s and ends in 0 No 11’s and ends In 1
Transition Table: δ(q, a) is the element in row q of columns a
Final states starred * 1 A A B B A C C C C Arrow for start state Start 1 A C B 0,1
Using graph to answer Is string in language?
Is string 101 in the language of the DFA below? Start at A. Start 1 A C B 0,1
Is string in language 2 Is string 101 in the language of the DFA below? Follow arc labeled 1. 0,1 1 1 A B C Start
Is string in language 3 Is string 101 in the language of the DFA below? Then arc labeled 0 from current state B. 0,1 1 1 A B C Start
Is string in language 4 Is string 101 in the language of the DFA below? Finally arc labeled 1 from current state A. Result is an accepting state, so 101 is in the language. 0,1 1 1 A B C Start
Extended Transition Function Delta-hat
We defined δ(q, a) as the state that the DFA goes to when it is in state q and input a is received. We want an extended transition function d(q, w) defined as the state a DFA is in after it processes string w starting from state q This extended transition function allows a language to be defined by L={w|d(q0,w)F} ˄ ˄ ˄
Recursive definition of Delta-hat
Write w=xa where a is last symbol in w Basis: δ(q, ε) = q, where e is empty string Basis: δ(q, a) = δ(q, a) Induction: δ(q,xa) = δ(δ(q,x),a) If δ(q,x)=p then δ(q,w) = δ(p,a) ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄
Use δ(q,xa) = δ(δ(q,x),a) to decompose delta-hat to nested delta’s
˄ ˄ Use δ(q,xa) = δ(δ(q,x),a) to decompose delta-hat to nested delta’s For convenience of slide preparation, I will use delta-underline to mean delta-hat 1 A* A B B* A C C C C δ(B,011) = δ(δ(B,01),1) = δ(δ(δ(B,0),1),1) = δ(δ(A,1),1) = δ(B,1) = C 011 not accepted
Quiz #2 Monday on material in lecture “finite automata 2” and text pp28-52
Prove j=1 to n j = n(n+1)/2 Base case n=1 j=1 to 1 j = 1(1+1)/2 Review: What method is used in this proof? If S(?) then S(?)
Review: Induction on integers
Methods if S(n) then S(n+1) and if S(n-1) then S(n) are equivalent but if S(n+1) then S(n) is inconsistent with induction principal. What you assume is your IH. Make sure it is true. I’m not accepting the “identity” method (text pp20-21) because it does not generalize to other forms of induction.
Review: Language of a DFA
Automata of all kinds define languages. If A=(Q,S,d,q0,F) is an automaton, L(A) is its language. L(A) = the set of strings w such that δ(q0, w) is in F. ˄
Formal proof of language content
1 A* A B B* A C C C C Delta_hat and transition table make it easy to test if a string is in L(DFA) Formal proof of language content is a problem in equality of sets ˄ ˄
Proof of language content
Start 1 A C B 0,1 Proof of language content S = L(DFA) T = strings of 0’s and 1’s with no consecutive 1’s To prove S=T, we need to prove If w is in S, then w is in T If w is in T, then w is in S Proof of “If w is in S, then w is in T” is by induction on length of the string |w|
Since DFA has 2 accepting states, if w is in S=L(DFA) has 2 cases
If δ(A, w) = A (string ends with 0) If δ(A, w) = B (string ends with 1) Start 1 A C B 0,1 No 11’s and ends in 0 in 1
Prove: if w in L(DFA) then w no 11’s
Basis: |w| = 0; i.e., w = ε δ(A, e)=A by definition (e in S=L(DFA)) since ε has no 1’s, e is in T Basis is true Induction: |w| >0, write w = xa, where a is the last symbol of w. inductive hypothesis: if x in L(DFA) then x no 11’s
IH: if x in L(DFA) then x no 11’s has 2 cases
Start 1 A C B 0,1 Inductive hypothesis: if δ(A, x) = A, then x has no consecutive 1’s and ends in 0. if δ(A, x) = B, then x has no consecutive 1’s and ends in a single 1.
Start 1 A C B 0,1 Induction w=xa If δ(A, xa) = A then δ(A, x) must be A or B and a must be 0 (see DFA above). By the IH, x has no 11’s and ends in 0 or 1. Thus, w has no 11’s and end in 0. If δ(A, xa) = B then δ(A, x) must be A and a must be 1 (see DFA above). By IH (case 1), x has no 11’s and ends in 0. Thus, w has no 11’s and ends in 1
Prove: if w no 11’s then w in L(DFA)
Contrapositive : If w is not accepted by DFA (i.e. d(A,w)=C) then w has 11’s. If δ(A,w)=C then w = x1y, where δ(A,x)=B and y is the tail of w that follows what gets to C the first time. If δ(A,x)=B then x = z1 for some z. Thus w = z11y and has 11. Start 1 A C B 0,1
prove d(q, xy)=d(d(q, x), y)
Exercise p53: prove d(q, xy)=d(d(q, x), y) Recall: xy is the concatenation of strings x and y When a is last character in string, true by definition of delta_hat: d(q, xa)=d(d(q, x), a) Base case is true Complete proof by induction on |y|
prove d(q,xy)=d(d(q,x),y) by induction on |y|
Let y=za d(d(q,x),y)=d(d(q,x),za) let d(q,x)=p =d(p,za) =d(d(p,z),a) def of d txt p49 =d(d(d(q,x),z)a) substitution for p Assume d(q,xz)=d(d(q,x),z) for strings shorter than y Since |z|<|y| d(d(q,x),y)=d(d(d(q,x),z)a)= d(d(q,xz),a) =d(q,xza) def of d txt p49 =d(q,xy) substitution for za
Review: Assignment 2 Due Exercise 2.2.9a, text p 54 Given: A=(Q,S,d,q0,{qf}) and d(q0, a)=d(qf, a) for all a in S Prove: d(q0, w) = d(qf, w) for all w with |w| > 0 using induction on the length of the string. Your proof must include the following: (1) truth of base case (2) statement of inductive hypothesis (3) application of inductive hypothesis Hint: let w=xa and used definition of delta_hat
Exercise 2.2.9b, text p54 Given: A = (Q, S, d, q0, {qf}) and d(q0, w) = d(qf, w) iff w in L(A) with |w| > 0 Prove by induction on integers that if |x| > 0 and x is in L(A) then xk (k > 0 concatenations of x) is also in L(A) Your proof must include the following: (1) truth of base cases k=1 and k=2 (2) statement of inductive hypothesis k>3 (3) application of inductive hypothesis to show that if S(k-1) then S(k) Note: the proof is about membership in L(A) Hint: use the result from exercise in text p53
Review: designing finite automata
Exercise 2.2.4a: A=({A,B,C},{0,1},d,A,{C}) L(A)=set of input strings ending in 00 Graph A Exercise : A= >A A B *B B A L(A)=set input strings with an odd number of 1’s Prove by induction on length of string that an input string with an odd number of 1’s is accepted by A
Assignment #3 due 9-19-14 Exercise 2.2.10: DFA= 0 1 ->A A B *B B A
L(DFA)=set input strings with an odd number of 1’s Prove by induction on length of string that d(A,w)=A if w contains an even number of 1’s d(A,w)=B if w contains an odd number of 1’s Hints: Basis includes |w|=0 and |w|=1 if w=xa, then a can be zero or one if w=xa and a=0 then x and w contain the same number of 1’s
More hints on Assignment #3
Exercise : DFA= >A A B *B B A Define parity(w) as whether w contains and even or odd number of ones. Prove by induction on |w| If parity(w)=even, then d(A,w)=A If parity(w)=odd, then d(A,w)=B Basis includes w={e,0,1}. For each case, your proof must ask “what is parity(w)?” and “what is d(A,w)?”. Induction with w=xa has 4 cases: party(x)=even, a={0,1} and party(x)=odd, a={0,1}. For each case, your proof must ask the same questions as in the Basis.
Regular Languages A language L is regular if it consist entirely of strings accepted by some DFA. The DFA must accept only the strings in L, no others. Some languages LNR are not regular. No DFA exist that accepts all the string in LNR
Example of LNR L1 = {0n1n | n ≥ 1}
L1 is the set of strings consisting of n 0’s followed by n 1’s, such that n is at least 1. Thus, L1 = {01, 0011, ,…}
Another LNR L2 = {w | w in {(, )}* and w is balanced }
alphabet consists of the parenthesis symbols ’(’ and ’)’. Balanced parentheses are those that can appear in an arithmetic expression. (), ()(), (()), (()()), etc
Many Languages are Regular
We will discuss 4 ways to describe a Regular Language DFA’s Non-deterministic FA’s Non-deterministic FA’s with e-transtions Regular expressions Will show at all are equivalent
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