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Meeting of the IndustriAll Eastern Region, Bratislava/Slovakia, 26. – 28.3.2013 REPORT FOR SLOVENIA Political, Economic and Social Situation 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting of the IndustriAll Eastern Region, Bratislava/Slovakia, 26. – 28.3.2013 REPORT FOR SLOVENIA Political, Economic and Social Situation 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting of the IndustriAll Eastern Region, Bratislava/Slovakia, 26. – 28.3.2013 REPORT FOR SLOVENIA Political, Economic and Social Situation 1

2 Members of parliament voted lack of confidence to government Influence on change of governement had protest of citizens in large towns in country New government consist 4 parties (2 from ex governement and 2 fom former oposition: State list, Desus, Positive Slovenia and Social democrats Topics in program of new government are: strentghten of economy, sanitation of banks and increase of employment, way out of crisis can not be founded at saving, reform of insolvency legalislation, benefits on social contributions for new jobs Former government realized reforms on pensioning, labour relations and labour market with strong impact of trade unions 2

3 Political, Econimic and Social Situation At the end of 2012 majority of economic indicators worsen and this will continue in 2013 In the fourth quarter of 2012 GDP reduced for 3%, in whole 2012 reduced for 2,3% on 17,245€ perr capita Total value added reduced in the fourth quarter of 2012 for 2,8% and in manufacturing activities reduced for 0,8% 2012/2011 industrial growth increased in amanufacturing activities for 1,0%, incomes of sale reduced for 1,9%, orders reduced for 1% I 2012/ I 2011 prices of industrial products increased for 0,4% I 2012/ I 2011 export increased for 0,3% and import reduced for 2,3% 3

4 Political, Economic and Social Situation Budget deficit in 2012 was 3,1% On December 2012 unemployment rate was 13,0% (on ILO method was about 10,0%) I – XII 2012/ I – XII 2011 inflation rate was 2,7% (same II 2013/II 2012) An average gross wage for December 2012 was 1,525€ and net 992€ Gross minimum wage is 783,66€ 4

5 Collective bargaining At 23.1.2013 SKEI realized one day warning strike SKEI finished negotiation at electroindustry branch with minimum basic wages increased in 2 steps: for 2,4% by 1.3.2013 and 2,0% by 1.9.2013, minimum reimbursement for leave is 820€ Negotiations will continue at basic materials and foundries, where employers offered only 3,2% minimum basic wages increase, minimum reimbursement for leave will be 855€ Negotiations will continue in metal industry where employers offered only 3,0% minimum basic wages increas and minimum reimbursement for leave 793€ 5

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