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BYOT Bring Your Own Technology. INSTRUCTIONAL TOOLS BEMS embraces the importance of technology in the educational lives of students. Access to technology.

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Presentation on theme: "BYOT Bring Your Own Technology. INSTRUCTIONAL TOOLS BEMS embraces the importance of technology in the educational lives of students. Access to technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 BYOT Bring Your Own Technology

2 INSTRUCTIONAL TOOLS BEMS embraces the importance of technology in the educational lives of students. Access to technology enables instant access to a wealth of information references collaborative resources These resources can support the learning activities which are part of daily classroom instruction. _


4 Teachers are participating in continuing professional development on incorporating technology into their lessons. Students use of their devices in the classroom is at teacher discretion.


6 TYPE OF DEVICE Students may use any privately owned portable electronic "Internet-ready" device, including, but not limited to laptops netbooks tablets cell phones e-readers

7 ADDITIONAL SUGGESTIONS Headset/earbuds Keyboard Protective case, cover, or bag with student name on it Anti-virus software Password protected

8 STUDENTS WITHOUT DEVICES If a student does not have a device, the teacher will ensure that every student has the opportunity to participate in any instructional activity. Students will be able to use division-owned devices in the classroom in lieu of personal devices, as needed.

9 DEVICE Students will have filtered access to the open wireless No technical support will be provided for student devices. It is understood that students will know how to use their own devices. Students are responsible for the security of their devices LCPS is not responsible for the loss, damage or theft of any personal electronic devices.

10 CHARGING Student devices should be brought to school fully charged Devices should be put in sleep mode or turned off when not in use

11 SPECIAL DEVICE FEATURES No unauthorized image, audio, or video recording will be permitted Specific permission will be granted by teachers for recording as needed to accomplish specific instructional activities Use of devices in locker rooms, health rooms, clinic, or bathrooms is strictly prohibited Students will not be able to print from their devices

12 SECURITY LCPS takes precautions to restrict access to undesirable or inappropriate materials using firewalls and filtering applications on LCPS wireless networks Teachers and staff monitor user activity Appropriate consequences for violations

13 DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP CURRICULUM Common Sense Media 6th grade and 7th grade are complete 8th grade will be completed during resource during the month of April 6 th Grade7 th Grade8 th Grade Digital Life 101My MediaTrillion Dollar Footprint Strategic SearchingA Creator’s Responsibility Identifying High- Quality Sites Scams and SchemesSafe Online TalkThe Reality of Digital Drama Cyberbullying: Be Upstanding Which Me Should I Be?Cyberbullying: Crossing the Line A Creator’s RightsGender Stereotypes Online Rework, Reuse, Remix

14 ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY Students and parents must sign a new Acceptable Use PolicyAcceptable Use Policy Return by Monday, March 24th BYOT begins on April 7



17 TAKE AWAYS Teacher discretion Instructional purposes Acceptable Use Policy Wireless access will be available on Tuesday, April 7th Thank you for attending our BYOT Parent Information Presentation

18 Q & A

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