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Welcome to Ms. Kolencik’s Chemistry The excitement of chemistry.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Ms. Kolencik’s Chemistry The excitement of chemistry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Ms. Kolencik’s Chemistry The excitement of chemistry

2 Teacher Contact

3 About the teacher This is my third year teaching a Riverside High School. This is my third year teaching a Riverside High School. I have a license in Integrated Science, allowing me to teach any science 7-12, however this year I am teaching my favorite science chemistry. I have a license in Integrated Science, allowing me to teach any science 7-12, however this year I am teaching my favorite science chemistry. I am continuing my education at Walden University were a hope to get my masters in technology. I am continuing my education at Walden University were a hope to get my masters in technology.

4 Chemistry Expectations Three ring binder Three ring binder Pencil/Pen Pencil/Pen Paper Paper Lab Days (two days a week) - Goggles - Closed toe shoes

5 Grading All grades are online (modified every two weeks at the latest. Tests/Quizzes – 60% Labs/Projects – 15% Homework/Class Participation/Binders – 15% Common Assessment – 10%

6 Class Policy Standard school rules and consequences Standard school rules and consequences Two out of the room passes per quarter, others given with consequence. Two out of the room passes per quarter, others given with consequence. First lab missed due to not coming prepared results in making up the lab at a later date, second will be sent to CLC, given a working lunch and must make up the lab at a later date. The third will be the above plus a after school detention. First lab missed due to not coming prepared results in making up the lab at a later date, second will be sent to CLC, given a working lunch and must make up the lab at a later date. The third will be the above plus a after school detention. On lab days all misbehavior will not be tolerated and students will be send to CLC without a warning. (THEY HAVE ALREADY BEEN GIVEN THE WARNING) On lab days all misbehavior will not be tolerated and students will be send to CLC without a warning. (THEY HAVE ALREADY BEEN GIVEN THE WARNING)

7 What is Chemistry Chemistry is a college prep course designed to give students an understanding of matter at the subatomic and molecular level. Chemistry is a college prep course designed to give students an understanding of matter at the subatomic and molecular level. Chemistry is one science that continues to build on basic concepts so it is important that students understand the basics before we can build on them. Chemistry is one science that continues to build on basic concepts so it is important that students understand the basics before we can build on them.

8 Daily Routine Start every class with a review of the previous materials. State the objective for new material. Introduce material Practice/Apply Conclusion/Review Have you met the objective

9 Weekly Routine Every week a quiz is given on Friday. This quiz is used to assess student knowledge of the weeks objective, this way any problems can be corrected before it is to late Every week a quiz is given on Friday. This quiz is used to assess student knowledge of the weeks objective, this way any problems can be corrected before it is to late Labs are given twice a week and usually need to be finished for homework. (two days to complete) Labs are given twice a week and usually need to be finished for homework. (two days to complete) Homework is given once or twice a week for concept practice. Homework is given once or twice a week for concept practice.

10 Chapter information For every new chapter they are given a objective sheet for the chapter, it contains vocabulary as well. (student should refer to the objects each day, this can also be a good review or quiz for them to use) For every new chapter they are given a objective sheet for the chapter, it contains vocabulary as well. (student should refer to the objects each day, this can also be a good review or quiz for them to use) A chapter takes anywhere from one to two weeks to complete. A chapter takes anywhere from one to two weeks to complete. We will be having our first test over chapter 1 and 2 next week. We will be having our first test over chapter 1 and 2 next week. Around sixteen chapters will be covered. Around sixteen chapters will be covered.

11 Conclusion I look forward to talking to each of you and seeing you a parent teacher conferences. I look forward to talking to each of you and seeing you a parent teacher conferences. Feel free to contact me anytime with questions or concerns. Feel free to contact me anytime with questions or concerns. Have a Great Night! Have a Great Night!

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