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Vocabulary Ch. 8, 9, 10 History Alive!.

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1 Vocabulary Ch. 8, 9, 10 History Alive!

2 Chapter 8 Articles of Confederation: The first written plan of government for the United States. A “confederation” is an association of states who cooperate for a common purpose. Territory: A region designated by Congress and organized under a governor. A territory may apply to become a state when it has a large enough population.

3 Chapter 8 Arsenal: A place where weapons and ammunition are stored.
Enlightenment: The “Age of Reason” in 17th and 18th century Europe. Enlightenment thinkers emphasized using rational thought to discover truths about nature and society.

4 Chapter 8 Republic: A country governed by elected representatives.
Constitution: A written plan that provides the basic framework of a government. Compromise: An agreement in which both sides in a dispute agree to give up something they want in order to achieve a settlement.

5 Chapter 8 Electoral College: The group established by the Constitution to elect the president and vice president. Voters in each state choose their electors. Ratify: To formally approve a plan or an agreement. The process of approval is called ratification.

6 Chapter 9 Popular Sovereignty: The idea that the authority of government comes from the people. Legislative Branch: The lawmaking part of government, called the legislature. To legislate is to make a law. Bicameral: Having 2 lawmaking parts. Bicameral comes from the Latin words meaning “two rooms.”

7 Chapter 9 Bill: A proposed law.
Veto: To reject a proposed law or bill. Only the president can veto bills. Executive Branch: The part of government that “executes” (carries out) the laws. Impeach: To formally accuse an official of a crime related to official duties.

8 Chapter 9 Judicial Branch: The part of government, consisting of the Supreme Court and lower federal courts, that interprets the laws. Checks and Balances: The system that allows each branch of government to limit the powers of other branches. Amendment: A change to the Constitution.

9 Chapter 9 Interstate Commerce: Trade and other business dealings that cross state lines. Federalism: The constitutional system that shares power between the national and state governments. Party: an organized political group. Interest Group: An organization that actively promotes the views of some part of the public on specific issues.

10 Chapter 10 Bill of Rights: A formal listing of the basic rights of a citizen. Warrant: An order from a judge that authorizes police or other officials to take certain action, such as searching someone’s property.

11 Chapter 10 Self-Incrimination: The act of giving testimony that can be used against oneself. Defendants: People who are required to defend themselves in a legal action; an example is an accused person who is put on trial for a crime.

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