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Become an Expert on Central Africa. Congo / Country of Central Africa that lies along the equator.

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Presentation on theme: "Become an Expert on Central Africa. Congo / Country of Central Africa that lies along the equator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Become an Expert on Central Africa

2 Congo / Country of Central Africa that lies along the equator

3 Congo’s ethnic groups / Kongo and Bateke

4 Yams and Cassava / 2 of Congo’s crops used to feed farmers’ families

5 Kongo / Ethnic group in Congo / Recently took over Zaire

6 Ubangi/Congo River / River in Eastern Congo

7 Cameroon / Developing economy because of its many natural resources and coastal ports

8 Tsetse Fly / Causes deadly disease (sleeping sickness) in Cameroon and Central African Republic

9 Plantations / Large farms that grow crops like coffee, rubber and cacao for export

10 Copper / Mineral resource used in metal products

11 Libreville / Capital City of Gabon

12 Gabon / Many natural resources including oil, iron ore and uranium

13 In Gabon and Congo / Most farm crops, household goods and products of all kinds are transporte d using rivers

14 In former Zaire / 75 %of people practice Christian religion

15 Rainforests / Cover a vast plain in former Zaire

16 Mohogany / Resource harvested in former Zaire

17 Equatorial Guinea / Made up of 5 offshore islands plus a small territory on the west coast of Africa

18 Bioko / Largest Island of Equatoria l Guinea

19 Malabo / The Capital City of Equatorial Guinea

20 Lake Edward / Lake on border eastern Zaire (dem of Kongo and Uganda

21 Lake Tanganyika / Eastern border of Zaire now / Democratic Republic of Congo

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