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Bell Ringer 5/24/2006 Who is Menelik II and what did he do when Italy tried to invade Ethiopia? (674)

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer 5/24/2006 Who is Menelik II and what did he do when Italy tried to invade Ethiopia? (674)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer 5/24/2006 Who is Menelik II and what did he do when Italy tried to invade Ethiopia? (674)

2 Bell Ringer 5/25/2006 Using the map on page 672 write and answer the following question: “What native African states remained independent of European control during the colonial era?

3 Chapter 26: The Age of Imperialism Section 3: European Claims in Sub- Saharan Africa (670-674)

4 WEST AFRICA Major center of the slave trade In early 1800s most European countries abolished slave trade –Move inland to control other trade goods

5 Samory Toure Led revolt against French in Senegal French win now control Senegal & French West Africa

6 Ashanti Fought the British Great Britain won. They now control all of Ashanti territory and The Gold Coast (modern Ghana)


8 Central & East Africa Henry Stanley – fueled interest in central Africa

9 Central Africa Continued King Leopold II (Belguim) –Ruled Congo (worst example of imperialism) –Get as much wealth as possible –Used slave labor –Turned over his private colony to Belgian Government in 1908. Became the Belgian Congo

10 East Africa Divided into colonies Famine helped Europeans colonize Rinderpest – disease carried by cattle imported from Europe

11 Southern Africa Great Trek – After British took over Cape Colony Africans fled to north and east

12 Boers Descendants from original Dutch settlers of Cape Colony Spoke – Afrikaans Carved out three colonies Natal, Orange Fee State, Transvaal

13 Shaka Zulu leader –Fought the Boers –Defeated after British joined with the Boers

14 Cecil Rhodes British businessman Completely controlled South African diamond production (Orange Free State) Colony named after him (Rhodesia) now Zimbabwe

15 Boer War British v. Boers Known as South African War British won – now British allowed to begin mining in Transvaal (gold)

16 Negative Effects of Imperialism on Africa Europeans controlled all levels of Gov Paternalism: Europeans governed like parents guide their children

17 African Benefits from Imperialism New crops New ways of farming Medicine Roads and railroads

18 Assimilation : people give up their own culture completely and adopt another culture Most Africans never accepted European Culture

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