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The Democratic Republic of Congo Conflicts By Pierce Albert, Alicia Farquan And Kori Riley.

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Presentation on theme: "The Democratic Republic of Congo Conflicts By Pierce Albert, Alicia Farquan And Kori Riley."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Democratic Republic of Congo Conflicts By Pierce Albert, Alicia Farquan And Kori Riley

2 Did you ever feel that somebody had more power than you did? If so, why did you feel so. If not, think about how it would be like to have less power than another. EQ: What are the conflicts involving Congo ? Bell Ringer :

3 Important Ethnicities to know..... Hutu-- An ethnic group residing in Central Africa. They are mainly live in Rwanda and the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. The largest group. Tutsi-- Ethnic group residing in East Africa, the second largest ethnic group in Rwanda.It's origins trace them to northern Africa. Hutu Man Tutsi Man

4 More Information in these Conflicts The Democratic Republic of the Congo was originally colonized by King Leopold II of Belgium as Belgian Congo in the 1870s. However, the ethnicities in the area (Hutu and Tutsi) did not to want to be unified and led to a big external conflicts and several internal conflicts between the Hutu and Tutsi. The Rwandan Patriotic Front overthrew Hutu power leading to Rwandan Genocide.

5 DR Congo Conflicts Skit/ "Reenactment" ColorRoleAdditional Notes RedHutu BlueTutsi GreenPresidentOnly three people will have this role, one at a time YellowUN OrangeBelgiansWill only be involved in one confllict, will trade in for different color

6 Now that everybody's settled... Orange goes to Red and Blue and steals the Green Trees (resources) there.

7 Belgian Colonialization Time has passed... it is now 1908 Orange puts flag in Red+Blue Areas (DR Congo)and enslaves them

8 Struggle for Independence (1960) DR Congo becomes independent but not without struggles..... Red and Blue fight with each other and then with Orange. Green Signals for Yellow to come and break up fighting. DRC then becomes independent.

9 Mobutu's Rule ONE RED ONLY brings in their tag and "rudely" takes the presidential tag. -Hutus are now in power Green sits down in seat and enjoys the luxury, Red and Blue loose control.

10 Kabila and Rwandan Patriotic Front Blue group divide into two (Blue-DRC, Blue- RW), Red group do this as well. President lets Red-RW go to Blue-DRC A group of ONLY 5 Blue Form. 4 March up to Blue and take Crown, and one takes Green tag from president.

11 Rwandan Genocide and Impact on DR Congo Red-RW march up to Blue-RW and fight, half of that group sit down (Note that Blue still has crown). Red-RW go to Red-DRC and team up to attack Blue-DRC and get in a "big fight"

12 Intermission Return all tags up to the front.

13 New Tags for the Biggest Conflict! Further Hutu and Tutsi Tensions lead to The Great War of Africa. ColorRole RedCongo Hutu YellowAng/Zim Hutu OrangeNam/Chad Hutu BlackPresident Kabila BlueRwanda Tutsi GreenUganda Tutsi PurpleBurundi Tutsi WhiteUN

14 Now...... Everyone fight! (Warm colors vs. Cool colors of course) Green makes peace with Red and Blue and the war is over. White then monitors what goes on. Turn in cards again

15 Today's Conflict Blue and Red attack each other and Black A few people with black tags sit down. Done! ColorRole BlueTutsi Soldiers/Militia RedHutu Soldiers/Militia BlackNormal Congolese

16 Let's Review (Take Notes) - The Belgian take over of the DR Congo area began the Conflict between the Belgians and Congolese and the original cause of these ethnic conflicts because they were trying to unify the people in the two groups together, - The two ethnic groups, Hutu (majority) and Tutsi (minority) cause the common conflict throughout the conflicts

17 Notes Cont'd... - The Conflicts have caused two wars: -The "First Congo War"(96-5/97) was after the Rwandan Genocide of 1994 of the Tutsi ethnicity when the Hutu fled from Rwanda to escape the new Tutsi Rule and started to attack Tutsi with help of DRC Hutu, resulting in 5 million deaths. (Genocide - an intentional extermination/destruction of an ethnic, cultural, or political group) - The Conflict grew even larger when in 11/1997, the Great War of Africa began and involved eight different countries and ended in 2003 when President Kabila signed peace treaty with both groups.

18 Rulers and Presidents of DR Congo King Leopold II (Belgium) Originally colonized Congo in the 1870s and was responsible for Congolese enslavment Patrice Lumumba - First President after independence, called UN to stop African/Belgian Conflict Mobutu Sese Seko - New Tutsi president that overthrew the government with the help of the CIA. Led a forceful rule and let country go out of control.

19 (con'td.) Laurent-Desire Kabila - Had Rebel forces such as the Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo-Zaire overthrow Mobutu in Kinshasa (Capital) and took over. Was a promising "Tutsi-sided" president until he betrayed Tutsi by not stopping the Hutu. Joseph Kabila - LK's Son and took over after his father's death. He won the national relections, leading some people to the public believing that it was rigged.

20 F I N

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