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Process. TE Lawrence Military Sheet John Walker Lindh Labelled by the American government as "Detainee 001" in the "war on terror", John occupies.

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Presentation on theme: "Process. TE Lawrence Military Sheet John Walker Lindh Labelled by the American government as "Detainee 001" in the "war on terror", John occupies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Process


3 TE Lawrence

4 Military Sheet

5 John Walker Lindh Labelled by the American government as "Detainee 001" in the "war on terror", John occupies a prison cell in Terre Haute, Indiana. He has been a prisoner of the American government since 1 December 2001, less than three months after the terror attacks of 9/11






11 2006 Taner Akcam Taner Akcam

12 [A]ny of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: Killing members of the group; Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

13 acknowledge-armenian-genocide/ denying-politician-Human-rights-lawyer-leads-fight-Turkish-MP-prosecuted-calling- death-1-5-million-Armenians-international-lie.html

14 Genocide denial: Turkish Workers Party leader Doğu Perinçek claims that he has the right to deny the Armenian genocide under freedom of expression vzA7U4

15 Jeremy Hammond, known online as "Anarchaos," pleaded guilty on May 28 to violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act for his part in breaking into the network ofgeopolitical analysis company Stratfor Global Intelligence Service. pleaded guilty on May 28 to violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Actgeopolitical analysis company Stratfor Global Intelligence Service

16 Hector Monsegur, also known as "Sabu," may be the most hated member of Anonymous. In 2011, after being fingered by the FBI, he betrayed fellow members of the Anonymous subgroup LulzSec by helping the FBI gather evidence to arrest them.he betrayed fellow members of the Anonymous subgroup LulzSec

17 Mercedes Haefer, also known by "No," is part of 'Paypal 14,' a group of hackers arrested by the FBI in 2011 for allegedly participating in a cyberattack against PayPal.allegedly participating in a cyberattack against PayPal

18 Known in Anonymous circles as "Commander X," Christopher Doyan participated in attacks on Sony, PayPal, the Tunisian government and the county website of Santa Cruz, Calif. He wasarrested by federal authorities and threatened with 15 years in prison in September 2011Christopher Doyan participated in attacksarrested by federal authorities and threatened with 15 years in prison in September 2011


20 French court overturns Armenian genocide denial law By the CNN Wire Staff Updated 1:31 PM ET, Tue February 28, 2012 A new French law making it a crime to publicly deny the Ottoman Empire's genocide of Armenians a century ago was ruled unconstitutional Tuesday by France's Constitutional Council. The measure, which triggered condemnation from modern Turkey, was given final passage by the French Senate and signed into law by President Nicolas Sarkozy last month.



23 Timeline A to B 1914 WWI Begins Oppressed people from various nations are asked to pick a side 1915 10 Commandments Pamphlet giving 5 Days Law of Expropriation and Confiscation Marches and 1.5 million dead Place in correct order

24 Timeline A to B 1914 WWI Begins Oppressed people from various nations are asked to pick a side 1915 10 Commandments Pamphlet giving 5 Days Law of Expropriation and Confiscation Marches and 1.5 million dead

25 Trail of Tears At the beginning of the 1830s, nearly 125,000 Native Americans lived on millions of acres of land in Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina and Florida–land their ancestors had occupied and cultivated for generations. By the end of the decade, very few natives remained anywhere in the southeastern United States. Working on behalf of white settlers who wanted to grow cotton on the Indians’ land, the federal government forced them to leave their homelands and walk thousands of miles to a specially designated “Indian territory” across the Mississippi River. This difficult and sometimes deadly journey is known as the Trail of Tears.


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