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 The Investigation Process  Standing or select committees can investigate  Investigations can lead to ▪ New laws to deal with a problem ▪ Reforms in.

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Presentation on theme: " The Investigation Process  Standing or select committees can investigate  Investigations can lead to ▪ New laws to deal with a problem ▪ Reforms in."— Presentation transcript:

1  The Investigation Process  Standing or select committees can investigate  Investigations can lead to ▪ New laws to deal with a problem ▪ Reforms in a government program ▪ Officials being fired

2  Rights of Congressional Witnesses  Subpoena – legal order to appear or produce documents  Perjury – lying under oath  Contempt – obstructing the work of the investigation  Grant immunity to those testifying

3  Power to review executive branch activities  Congress can check to see how executive branch is enforcing their laws  “Pass It and Forget It Lawmaking”  Lawmakers do not have enough staff, time, or funds  Oversight does not win votes  Legislation is too vague  Committees favor the agencies they are to oversee


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