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World War II: Mobilization. America Enters the War  US declares war 12/8/41  Four Theaters European Theater – First Focus Atlantic Theater Pacific Theater.

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Presentation on theme: "World War II: Mobilization. America Enters the War  US declares war 12/8/41  Four Theaters European Theater – First Focus Atlantic Theater Pacific Theater."— Presentation transcript:

1 World War II: Mobilization

2 America Enters the War  US declares war 12/8/41  Four Theaters European Theater – First Focus Atlantic Theater Pacific Theater Asian Theater

3 Military Mobilization  Registration 18 - Pearl Harbor  WAVES and WACs  16 Million men and women served

4 Economic Mobilization  Office of War Mobilization Oversight agency  War Production Board Directed use of raw materials 1/2 of factory production went into war materials. 1943- US produced twice as many goods as all the enemy countries combined

5 The Costs of World War II  2,194 days - the invasion of Poland to the surrender of Japan  1,347 days – America’s involvement in the war  61 countries were involved

6 The Costs of World War II  55 million deaths worldwide 45.5% - military deaths 54.5% - civilian deaths

7 The Costs of World War II  Military Deaths 400,000 – US 9,000,000 – Soviet Union 2,000,000 – Germany 1,500,000 -- Japan

8 The Costs of World War II  Money Spent (in billions US $) $341 – US $192 – Soviet Union $120 – Great Britain $272 – Germany $56 – Japan Estimated worldwide cost of the war – more than $1 trillion dollars

9 World War II Airplane Production Country1939194019411942194319441945 Germany8,29510,82612,40115,40924,80740,5937,540 Japan4,4674,7685,0888,86116,69328,1808,263 United Kingdom7,94015,04920,09423,67226,26326,46112,070 United States2,1416,08619,43347,83685,89896,31846,001 USSR10,38210,56515,73725,43634,90040,30020,900

10 Tanks produced 1940 to 1945: GBUSUSSRGermJapan 1940140030028001600------- 194148004100640038001000 1942860025,00024,70012,1001000 19437,50029,50024,00012,100800 19444,60017,60029,00019,000300 1945---------12,00015,4003,900100 Total20,15088,500102,30046,7003,400 

11 Warships produced by total tonnage GBUSUSSRGermJapan 1940 263,20052,600-------23,80094,700 1941 437,200219,3000-------147,000225,000 1942 481,400859,500---------193,000254,000 1943 609,6002,667,400-------211,400230,000 1944 583,4003,176,800-------275,300468,400 1945 312,8001,190,000--------54,90066,700 Total 2,687,6008,165,600------905,4001,228,800 


13 Economic Mobilization  "Rosie the Riveter"  Five million women joined the labor force  Propaganda campaign  Paved the way for postwar consumer demand.  Pay less than two-thirds of male worker  Pressured to return to homemaking



16 Economic Mobilization  Controlling inflation  People were working - fewer consumer goods available.  Too much $ = inflation; cost of living increased

17 Economic Mobilization  Office of Economic Stabilization -- Office of Price Administration (OPA) Froze prices  Rationing Certificate Plan Coupon Plan -- more widely used.





22 Economic Mobilization  Taxes increased to finance the war Many who had never had to pay taxes were now required to.  1939 -- 4 million filed tax returns; in 1945 --50 million!  Liberty Bonds

23 Economic Mobilization  Anti-inflation measures successful WWI cost of living up 170% WWII -- less than 29%



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