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MobiWeb2.0 Training Phil Archer WP Lead. MobiWeb2.0 Review2 Year 1 Highlights 220+ people followed the course Very positive feedback Original course content.

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1 MobiWeb2.0 Training Phil Archer WP Lead

2 MobiWeb2.0 Review2 Year 1 Highlights 220+ people followed the course Very positive feedback Original course content now stable and ready to be run multiple times in 2009 Four new modules to cover the full MWB1.0 2009 activity will be focused on –finalising the course development methodology –integrating fee-based sessions –running multiple instances of the sessions to increase the number of people trained

3 MobiWeb2.0 Review3 Year 2 Highlights Online course run 3 times in 2009. Material used in talks at live events. 289 paying students. 55% received a Certificate of Completion (cf. 25% in November 2008). Over 500 people trained during MobiWeb Getting ready to run again in 2010.

4 MobiWeb2.0 Review4 Aims for 2009 1.To run the complete course and gather feedback. 2.To finalise the methodology to ease course development. 3.To integrate the fee-based session concept. 4.To organise face-to-face training.

5 MobiWeb2.0 Review5 Course Development 4 modules written & delivered in 2008. 4 new modules developed late 2008/early 2009. Content now offers good coverage of the Mobile Web Best Practices. Developers need to think about the mobile user as much as the mobile technology.

6 MobiWeb2.0 Review6 Course Announced May

7 MobiWeb2.0 Review7 Info Pages

8 MobiWeb2.0 Review8 How People Heard About the Course

9 MobiWeb2.0 Review9 Geographical Distribution

10 MobiWeb2.0 Review10 June – July Course Ran with 91 students (paying €99 each). Students spontaneously established bookmarks and Twitter hashtag. Very active discussion forum. Individual feedback given for tutor-marked assignments. Feedback on this very positive.

11 MobiWeb2.0 Review11 Early lessons Too much marking! –Number of marked assignments reduced in subsequent courses –Greater use of ‘standard comments’ Providing model answers not good –Restricts deadline & therefore no. students able to submit –Seen as too authoritative –Students answers often more creative

12 MobiWeb2.0 Review12 September course Advertised throughout July & August – gained 106 students. Changes made lead to 64% completion rate, up from 46% in June.

13 MobiWeb2.0 Review13 October Experimented with live event. Attracted 20 participants. Added October online course with short time between announcement and start. 88 students on October course including 16 of the live event participants. 50% completion rate. Talks at London Web Standards Group, Over the Air and WIPO/ITU in Geneva (in 2010)

14 MobiWeb2.0 Review14 Feedback

15 MobiWeb2.0 Review15 Feedback

16 MobiWeb2.0 Review16 Feedback “Its a great way to learn about a very important subject” The invaluable resource was the discussion forum” “I think it was invaluable to getting the important knowledge quite quickly” “Questions could be asked and answered”

17 MobiWeb2.0 Review17 Market Trends More developers & designers in 2009 cf. managers than in 2007 when the split was more even. 2009 participants evenly spread from individuals through to large enterprise cf. 2007 when 62% were from micro- enterprises.

18 MobiWeb2.0 Review18 Market Trends In both 2007 & 2009 ca. 2/3 participants expect less than 10K visitors per month to the sites they were developing 2 October 2009 participants expect > 1 million visitors per month

19 MobiWeb2.0 Review19 Market Trends Trend towards a more professional profile for course participants. Greater impact in terms of the reach of the content being created for access on mobile. Slight trend towards larger company involvement

20 MobiWeb2.0 Review20 Student Work

21 MobiWeb2.0 Review21 Student Work

22 MobiWeb2.0 Review22 Future Courses Work underway to update course. Moving some content into pre- and post- course material. Adding new module on server-side device detection techniques. Expertise level raised a fraction. Slightly higher fees with early bird discounts.

23 MobiWeb2.0 Review23 Aims for 2009 Revisited 1.To run the complete course and gather feedback. (298 participants in 2009, 500+ in project) 2.To finalise the methodology to ease course development. (Will run in 2010, more courses under discussion) 3.To integrate the fee-based session concept. 4.To organise face-to-face training. Better done through talks and enterprise-level training.

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