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Let’s do some introductions

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2 Let’s do some introductions

3 331 Ninja Isaac Reath isaacrea “at” buffalo Office hours: TBA OHs start next week Not involved in grading AT ALL

4 TAs first Md S Q Zulkar Nine mdsqzulk “at” buffalo Office hours: TBA Mehdi Shamsi seyedmah “at” buffalo Office hours: TBA OHs start next week

5 About Me Atri Rudra atri “at” buffalo Office: 319 Davis Office hours: Mon, 2:00-2:50pm; Wed 3:00-3:50pm OH starts today Just for this Wed: My OH from 2:30-3:20


7 Introduction Format Name Anything else you might want to add

8 Handouts for today Syllabus (online) Feedback form (online soon) Homework 0 (online) Homework Policy document (online)

9 Read the syllabus CAREFULLY! I’ll need confirmation in writing. No graded material will be handed back till I get this signed form from you!

10 Pre-requisites Required (officially) CSE 250, CSE 191 and MTH 142 At least a C- Required (for practical purposes) Comfort with proofs Willingness to work hard!

11 Academic Dishonesty All your submissions must be your own work Penalty: Minimum: An F grade Possible: F “due to academic dishonesty” on your transcript YOUR responsibility to know what is cheating, plagarism etc. If not sure, come talk to me Excuses like “I have a job,” “This was OK earlier/in my country,” etc. WON’T WORK I DO NOT HAVE ANY PATIENCE WITH ANY CHEATING : YOU WILL GET AN F IN THE COURSE FOR YOUR FIRST MISTAKE

12 Disabilities Information included in the syllabus In short, let me know and consult with Office of Disability Services

13 TA Office hours YOU decide! Look for survey on piazza (should be up in a day or two)

14 Recitations Will start from Friday, Sep 4

15 Exams Mid term (two parts) Mon, Oct 19 and Wed, Oct 21, 2015. Usual place and time. Final exam Fri, Dec 18, 2015. NSC 215, noon-2:30pm

16 One stop shop for the course…

17 Syllabus and Resoures

18 Class Calendar

19 This course: how to solve problems!

20 Why should I care ?

21 Combining Shadows to Understanding the network

22 The key technical problem Given the three projections, what is the largest size of the original set of points ?

23 Detecting Communities

24 Conquering Shadows to Conquering the Internet Algorithmically compute the missing set

25 The proof is in the performance > 10x faster Better algorithm with little hacking will trump worse algorithm with tons of hacking

26 The key technical problem Highly trivial: 4 3 = 64Still trivial: 4 2 = 16Correct answer: 4 1.5 = 8

27 If detecting communities is not for you

28 From someone who got a Google job “You can let your algorithms class know that the phone interviews are essentially like a difficult algorithms test. Lots of data structures, specifying the algorithm, analyzing the run time and space requirements... And all on the phone and you're supposed to talk through your thought process.”

29 Why care about algorithms? Driving directions

30 Why care about algorithms? Computing Bestsellers on the fly

31 Why care about algorithms? Booking cheapest air tickets

32 Why care about algorithms? Google searches

33 Why care about algorithms? Data compression

34 Why care about algorithms? Error correction /

35 (And I could) go on…

36 Find out for yourself Mini project: Report+ presentation on one algorithm. Groups of size = 7

37 Read Chazelle’s article

38 Questions/Comments?

39 Now about the course IT’LL BE

40 We’ll do loads of s Writing down your thought process formally and precisely!

41 The language of proofs Brad Pitt had a beard Every goat has a beard Hence, Brad Pitt is a goat.

42 HW 0 and Resources

43 331 Support page

44 Why do proofs? Makes you think logically about problems and solutions From a friend who works on Google Maps: Proving that the algorithm I am implementing is correct helps me identify corner cases


46 A common complaint Your examples in class look nothing like HW questions.

47 True because….

48 False because… HWs and exams will test your understanding of the material

49 To get an A in the class Have to get at least 90.0000000000000000000000% Rest graded on the curve

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