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Sea Otters By: Jaiden. What Are They They are marine mammals They are a member of the weasel family They are the heaviest member of weasel family.

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Presentation on theme: "Sea Otters By: Jaiden. What Are They They are marine mammals They are a member of the weasel family They are the heaviest member of weasel family."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sea Otters By: Jaiden

2 What Are They They are marine mammals They are a member of the weasel family They are the heaviest member of weasel family

3 What Are There Dieting Habitats They eat things such as: Sea Urchins Molluscs Crustaceans Some fish and more They eat over 100 different species

4 Behaviour The sea otter is diurnal It has a period of eating in the morning Wakes up before sunset and rest in mid-day Females with pups appear to feed at night It spend most of its time grooming When eating they roll around in the water

5 Predators Predators of sea otter’s are: Orcas Sea lions Bald eagles Great white sharks


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