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Stephanie Barger Founder & Executive Director US Zero Waste Business Council 714-381-6400.

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Presentation on theme: "Stephanie Barger Founder & Executive Director US Zero Waste Business Council 714-381-6400."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stephanie Barger Founder & Executive Director US Zero Waste Business Council 714-381-6400

2 Why Zero Waste Certification?  Credible point of differentiation  Establish Best Practices  Not reinventing the wheel  Meeting the Highest Bar for Zero Waste  Championing Highest and Best Use of Resources  Protecting the Brand from Inappropriate use

3 Zero Waste Missing Link in Green Certification?

4 Establish Best Practices  Establish consistent standards  Establish Certification Program as the benchmark  Additional education and business opportunities  Follow model and partner with US Green Building Council  Zero Waste Certified Businesses  Provide resources and transform the economy

5 Protecting the Brand  Adopting Zero Waste International Alliance definition of Zero Waste to landfill, incineration and the environment  Ten Zero Waste Business Principles developed by ZWIA and adopted by many Zero Waste organizations  Building the Zero Waste Economy

6 The Plan  Establish a new nonprofit: “US Zero Waste Business Council”  Become the Zero Waste standard for businesses  Build Exceptional Team of Board Members, Founding Business Members, and Experts  Fund the initial 2 years upfront  Follow US Green Building Council business model

7 To create a solid foundation that advances the integrity and credibility of Zero Waste Why US Zero Waste Business Council?

8 Huge Market Potential 71% of firms want to improve brand strength and goodwill through Environmental Sustainability Source: 2008 study conducted for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce by Deloitte and The Cambridge Group

9 US Zero Waste Business Council Mission To educate, inform and document the performance of Zero Waste Businesses using scientific methods to help businesses and communities become more healthy and sustainable A California Public Benefit Corporation and am IRS 501 (c) 3 nonprofit (application pending)

10 US Zero Waste Business Council Services  Certify businesses as Zero Waste  Annual National Conference  Advocate for a Zero Waste Economy  Education Resources and technical assistance (books, workshops, webinars)  Specialty levels of certification (e.g., for retail, hospitality, and manufacturing)  Certification for communities  Chapters in U.S. & Internationally

11 2012 Milestones January :Program Development Begins February: March: April: June: Fall: Secure funding from Founding Business Members and conference sponsors Begin Business Recognition Launch Membership Program Official Launch and 1 st National USZWBC Business Conference Begin Business Certification

12 Become the Zero Waste standard  National Affiliate of Zero Waste International Alliance (  Follow ZWIA Zero Waste Business Principles  Focus first on 90% From Landfills, Incinerators and the Environment  Develop national consensus on metrics

13 US Zero Waste Business Council Board  Gary Liss, President, GrassRoots Recycling Network Zero Waste Business Director  Richard Anthony, Vice President, Zero Waste International Alliance Chair  Mike Carey, Treasurer, Orange Coast College Recycling  Jill Donello, Secretary, Earth Resource Zero Waste Trainer  Sue Beets, SBM Site Services  Andrea Nylund, EcoHatchery  Stephen Groner, SGA, Inc.

14 Potential Founding Business Members  Anheuser-Busch  Apple Computer  Del Mar Fairgrounds  Disney  Epson  Fetzer Vineyards  Hewlett-Packard  Hilton Hotels  New Belgium Brewery  NUMMI  Pillsbury  Office Max  Ricoh Electronics, Inc  San Diego Wild Animal Park  Scoma’s Restaurant, SF  Sierra Nevada Brewery  Strauss Family Farms  SuperValu - Albertsons  Toyota Motor Company  Vons-Safeway  UPS  Xerox Corp  Yost Printer  And more

15 US Zero Waste Business Council Experts  Neil Cutler, Synergis Zero Waste Group  Chris Bell, Bell & Associates CPA  Michael Siminitus, Waste Busters  Leslie Van Keuren, Sustain LA  Michael Huls, Huls Environmental Media  Anne Peters, Zero Waste Alliance

16 Organizations for Potential Collaboration  GRRN - Grassroots Recycling Network  USGBC – US Green Building Council  NRC – National Recycling Coalition  RONA – Recycling Organizations of North America  Recycling Works – GAIA and Workforce  CRRA – California Resource Recovery Association  ZERI - Zero Emission Research Initiatives   Sustainable Brand  Industry Associations (i.e., facilities, manufacturing, hospitality)

17 Fund the Initial 2 and Sustainability YEAR Founding Business Members Certification & Membership CONFERENCE & Workshops TOTAL 1$400,000$30,000$100,000 $530,000 2$100,000$250,000$200,000 $550,000 3$0$500,000$250,000 $850,000

18 Founding Businesses Funding Request  Pledges of $20,000 to $40,000 from 20 to 40 Founding Business Members = $400,000 min budget  Year 1 Budget:  Program Development  Marketing and Recruitment  Recognition Program  National Conference  Beta Test of Certification with Founding Business Members  Year 2 Budget: National Rollout

19 Benefits to Founding Business Members  Recognition as USZWBC Founding Business Member  Participate in Development and Review of Draft Standards and Protocols  Beta Test to Certify Your Business under new Standards and Protocols once Adopted  ZWIA Zero Waste Business Recognition  Sponsor of 1 st National USZWBC Business Conference June 26-27, 2012

20 NEXT STEPS Quote from Lisa from EPA Or don’t waste time…..

21 If you’re not for Zero Waste, how much waste are you for?

22 Stephanie Barger US Zero Waste Business Council P.O. Box 364 Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 714-381-6400 (cell phone)

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