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Cell Lysis and Disruption

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1 Cell Lysis and Disruption

2 Laboratory techniques: Industrial technology:
Cell disruption Laboratory techniques: Sonication Enzyme treatment High mechanical shear Industrial technology: Ball mill grinding Homogenization (orifice type) Heat generation *Chemical method + mechanical method combination

3 Product of Interest: Intracellular or Extracellular ?
Table 1. Cell Disruption Technique Method Technique Principle Stress on Product Cost Examples Chemical Osmotic Shock Osmotic rupture of membrane Gentle Cheap Rupture of red blood cells Enzyme digestion Cell wall digested, providing disruption Expensive Micrococcus lysodeikticus treated with egg lysosyme Solubilization Detergents solubilize cell membrane Moderate- expensive Bile salts acting on E. coli Lipid dissolution Organic solvent dissolves in cell wall, and so destabilizes it Moderate Toluene disruption of yeast Alkali treatment Saponification of lipids solubilizes membrane Harsh Mechanical Homogenization (blade type) Cells chopped in Waring blender Animal tissue and cells Grinding Cell ruptured by grinding with abrasives Ultrasonication Cells broken with ultrasonic cavitation Cell suspensions at least on small scale (orifice type) Cells forced through small hole are broken by shear Large scale treatment of cell suspensions, except of bacteria Crushing in ball mill Cells crushed between glass or steel balls Large scale treatment of cell suspensions and plant cells

4 Chemical Methods (not popular in industry)
Enzyme digestion Enzyme cost Alkali treatment Harsh condition, degradation (PHB separation) Osmotic Shock Cells are put into pure water Solutes in the cells cause an osmotic flow of water into the cell (Note: Plant cell are difficult to be burst.) Solubilization : by detergent Concentrated detergent solution is added to disrupts the cell membrane Detergent - Ex: SDS (Sod Dodecylsulfate) Solubilize cell wall lipid

5 Figure 1. Chemical structures of selected surfactants.
Lipid Dissolution A volume of solvent( toluene) about 10% of the biomass is added to a cell suspension The cell wall lipid is solubilized.

6 Mechanical Disruption
Homogenizer (b) (a) Figure 2. Homogenizer Assembly. (a) A typical homogenizer and (b) a homogenization valve. Cell passing through this valve areruptured by both shear and mechanical stress.

7 *How long for operation?
Time, min Alcohol Dehydrogenase Activity Fumarase Activity Apparent Particle Size Figure 3. Homogenization versus time. Mechanical disruption of cells reduces particle size but some may also denature some of the products in the cell. *How long for operation?

8 Ball Mill (Sand Grinder)
Feed in Cooling Jacket screen Sand (bead) Figure 4. Schematic diagram for ball mill equipment. *batch, continuous type *paint, dyestuff industry *멧돌

9 Enzymatic Lysis dissolve the outer mannoprotein layer
production of protoplasts from yeast and bacteria endo-β(1,3) glucanase Lytic protease Preparation of lytic enzymes Lysis experiment for various enzymes -required

10 Cell Disruption Equipment: Bead Mill
Sept. 21st, 2011 Esther H. Kim

11 Bead mill Media volume 5.5L Media volume 0.4L
Laboratory bead mill (Dyno mill and DMQ-07) Production machine (DMQ-10)

12 Scale-up & Application
Laboratory Scale-up

13 Bead mill – Grinding media
Weaknesses of the sand mill Transition to closed mills ottawa sand  grinding beads Grinding media (beads) Steel, zirconium oxide, aluminum oxide, Si/Al/Zr mixed oxide (SAZ), steatite (modification of talc), glass and plastics Diameter lies in the range from 0.1 to 3 mm. The harder the beads, the greater the intensity of dispersion. The number of beads is proportional to 1/d3  use smallest beads possible. Translational and rotational movement: compressive stress and shear

14 Application in research
Horizontal bead mill used for cell rupture (a) General view, (b) details of (i) stainless steel and (ii) polyurethane impellers

15 Application in research
Bead-mill homogenization Lysis of microbial cells in soils and sediments for large scale relatively inexpensive widely applicable Compared to chemical and enzymatic method

16 What is a French Press? 2011 - 9 - 21 Inae Kim
Bioseparation Engineering What is a French Press? Inae Kim

17 Contents What is a French Press? Principle Operation Characteristics

18 What is a French Press? 기계적으로 세포를 파괴하는 방법 염록체, 혈구세포 및 단세포 생물의 분해와
동물조직 및 생물체 입자의 균등질(homogenate) 제조에 이용 세포핵은 손상시키지 않고 세포벽만을 분해 Sonication보다 균일하고 완전한 분해 가능 고압(최대 40,000 psi)과 빠른 감압을 이용 단단한 세포도 쉽게 분해 가능 Stainless steel  샘플의 오염 방지 Figure 1. French Press.

19 Principles of the French Press
Flow valve Outlet tube Cylinder body Piston Sample Figure 2. French Press Cylinder. Figure 3. Diagram of French Press Cylinder.

20 Operations of French Press
Figure 5. French Press . ① Pump ON/OFF ② Ratio Selector valve (MED/HIGH) - 유효 피스톤 면적 결정 ③ Pressure valve (increase/decrease) Figure 4. Installed French Press cylinder in the press .

21 Characteristics of the French Press
장점 시료의 생화학적 성질 보존 시료의 손실 위험이 적음 시료 전처리 과정이 없음 크기가 작은 시료는 거의 완전히 분해 가능 단점 시료의 부피가 클 때는 부적절 부품의 무게가 무거워서 조작이나 세척이 다소 어려움 배출구가 막힐 수 있음

22 Manufacturers of the French Press

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